Detailed Translations for Bissverletzung from German to English
Bissverletzung: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- bis: at; towards; as far as; till at; to; until; till
- Verletzung: injury; wound; offence; crime; misdemeanour; misbehaviour; delict; criminal offence; misbehavior; misdemeanor; offense; lump; bruise; bump; injuries; swelling; bruising; injuring; wounding; being bruised; hurt; offending; hurting; hurting someone's feelings
- Biß: snack; fast food; bite to eat; bite
- beißen: snap; bite; rise to the bait; engrave; etch
Spelling Suggestions for: Bissverletzung
Wiktionary Translations for Bissverletzung:
Verletzung, die durch einen Biss verursacht wurde
- Bissverletzung → bite
External Machine Translations: