Detailed Translations for in die Irre führen from German to English
in die Irre führen: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- in: in
- die: the; that; the one
- Irre: figure; character; jerk; drip; dud; ass; mad; daft; clown; buffoon; nutcase; mentally disabled; fool; nut; moron; lunatic; idiot; loony; maniac; madman; simpleton; madcap; dolt; duffer; imbecile; wastrel; blockhead; simple mind; numbskull; dumbo; madwoman; rattle-brain; mental patient; silly man; disturbed person; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person
- irre: odd; silly; mad; insane; ridiculous; funny; crazy; stupid; daft; foolish; idiotic; weird; mixed up; muzzy; strange; atypical; confused; nuts; loony; potty; disordered; stark mad; stark raving mad; mentally confused; stark staring mad; vast; huge; tremendous; diffuse; retarded; bewildered; enormous; backward; immense; flustered; disconcerted; stupendous; chaotic; gigantic; very large; out of proportion; mentally deficient; to a huge extent
- irren: roam around; fail; flop; go wrong; fall flat; meet with disaster; lose one's face; roam; rove; wander about
- fahren: operate; ride; drive; steer; be at the wheel; cart; wheel; trundle
- führen: lead; guide; direct; point the direction; order; command; preside; take the lead; be in command of; show around; lead about; come true; be fulfilled; arrange; organize; coordinate; organise; culminate; lead to; result in; end in; address; refer to; adjust; index; swipe
Wiktionary Translations for in die Irre führen:
in die Irre führen
to deceptively trick into something wrong
to deceive by lies or other false impression
lead in a false direction
to deceive or delude (using guile)
to tease someone
- pull someone's leg → in die Irre führen