Detailed Translations for Teufel from German to English
der Teufel (Satan)
the wickedness; the Beelzebuub; the devil; the demon; the Lord of Evil; the Satan; the Lucifer; the Prince of Darkness; the daemon -
der Teufel (bösartig Wesen)
der Teufel (Quälgeist; Unhold; Dämon; Satan)
der Teufel (Satan; Dämon)
die Teufel (Dämonen)
Translation Matrix for Teufel:
Synonyms for "Teufel":
Wiktionary Translations for Teufel:
Cross Translation:
Gegenspieler Gottes
böses Geisterwesen
- Teufel → devil
canon lawyer
- devil's advocate → Teufel; Advokat; Advocatus Diaboli
- devil's advocate → Teufel; Advokat; Advocatus Diaboli
in Christian Science, an evil or erring entity
person, especially a man; used to express a particular opinion of him
euphemistically, with an article: Hell (as an intensifier)
wicked or naughty person
bad part of the conscience
the devil: the chief devil
a creature of hell
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• Teufel | → devil | ↔ duivel — de personificatie van het kwaad |
• Teufel | → devil | ↔ diable — Créature infernale |
External Machine Translations: