Detailed Translations for LCID from German to English
LCID (Gebietsschemabezeichner; Sprachcode-ID; Gebietsschema-ID)
the language code identifier; the locale ID; the LCID; the locale identifier– A 32-bit value which consists of the language ID in the low word (bits 0-15) and the sorting ID (bits 16-19) and a reserved value (bits 20-31) in the high word. 1
Translation Matrix for LCID:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
LCID | Gebietsschema-ID; Gebietsschemabezeichner; LCID; Sprachcode-ID | |
language code identifier | Gebietsschema-ID; Gebietsschemabezeichner; LCID; Sprachcode-ID | |
locale ID | Gebietsschema-ID; Gebietsschemabezeichner; LCID; Sprachcode-ID | |
locale identifier | Gebietsschema-ID; Gebietsschemabezeichner; LCID; Sprachcode-ID |
External Machine Translations: