Detailed Translations for Sägebarsch from German to French
Sägebarsch: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- Säge: scie; scie à scier
- barsch: droit; juste; raide; tendu; fixe; serré; rigide; rude; maussade; impassible; grognon; grincheux; irascible; irrité; grincheuse; grondeur; de mauvaise humeur; grognonne; d'un ton bourru; d'un ton râleur; d'un ton traînard; brusquement; brusque; abrupt; d'un ton brusque
- Barsch: perche
Spelling Suggestions for: Sägebarsch
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Wiktionary Translations for Sägebarsch:
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Suggestions for Sägebarsch in French
Spelling Suggestions for: Sägebarsch
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