Detailed Translations for Hausschlange from German to Swedish
Hausschlange: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- Hau: smäll; klapp; slag med öppen hand
- Schlange: fil; rad; fnask; hora; orm; häxa; hynda; satkäring; luder; falsk slyna; bedragerska; subba; kärringjävel; vatten orm; räcka; led; bov; skurk; usling; mark orm
- Haus: bostad; boning; bygge; byggnad; hus; lott; obebygdd tomt; fastighet; fast egendom; byggnadskomplex; komplex
Spelling Suggestions for: Hausschlange
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Wiktionary Translations for Hausschlange:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• Hausschlange | → snok | ↔ couleuvre — zoologie|nocat=1 serpent cosmopolite de la famille des colubridés, de taille moyenne, qui se nourrit de petits rongeurs. En France, on trouve par exemple la couleuvre de Montpellier. |
External Machine Translations:
Suggestions for Hausschlange in Swedish
Spelling Suggestions for: Hausschlange
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