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Detailed Translations for nervously from English to German


Related Definitions for "nervously":

  1. in an anxiously nervous manner1
    • we watched the stock market nervously1
  2. with nervous excitement1
    • our bodies jumped nervously away at the slightest touch1

Wiktionary Translations for nervously:

  1. in a nervous manner

nervously form of nervous:

Translation Matrix for nervous:

AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- aflutter; anxious; flighty; neural; queasy; skittish; spooky; uneasy; unquiet
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- neurasthenic; scatterbrained
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
erhitzt nervous; uptight agile; agitated; aroused; disgruntled; excited; fevered; feverish; fluttered; frenzied; heated; put out
gehetzt agitated; fluttered; hastily; hasty; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; nervous hurriedly; in a hurry; in haste; strained; stressed; tense; uptight
gejagd agitated; fluttered; hastily; hasty; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; nervous
geschwind agitated; fluttered; hastily; hasty; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; nervous adroit; agile; brisk; clever; dexterous; expert; fast; fledged; handy; hastily; neat; nimble; nimble-fingered; nimbly; prompt; quick; rapid; skilful; skillful; soon; speedy; swift; without delay
gestresst agitated; fluttered; hastily; hasty; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; nervous
hastig agitated; fluttered; hastily; hasty; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; nervous adroit; agile; brisk; clever; dexterous; expert; fast; fledged; handy; hastily; hurriedly; in a hurry; in haste; neat; nimble; prompt; quick; rapid; skilful; skillful; soon; speedy; swift; without delay
nervös jumpy; nervous; uptight
schnell agitated; fluttered; hastily; hasty; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; nervous adroit; agile; aloud; brisk; class; clever; dexterous; direct; expert; fast; fledged; frontal; handy; hastily; neat; nimble; out loud; prompt; quick; quickly; rapid; skilful; skillful; soon; speedily; speedy; swift; without delay
ängstlich jittery; jumpy; nervous; nervy; skittish; timid afraid; afraid for; afraid of; alarmed; anxious; bewildered; conscientious; dazed; dismayed; fear; fearing; frightened; meticulous; perplexed; scared; scrupulous; shocked; upset
überstürzt agitated; fluttered; hastily; hasty; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; nervous

Related Words for "nervous":

Synonyms for "nervous":

Related Definitions for "nervous":

  1. unpredictably excitable (especially of horses)1
  2. excited in anticipation1
  3. easily agitated1
    • a nervous addict1
    • a nervous thoroughbred1
  4. causing or fraught with or showing anxiety1
    • those nervous moments before takeoff1
  5. of or relating to the nervous system1
    • nervous disease1

Wiktionary Translations for nervous:

  1. anxious
  1. nervlich
  2. (krankhaft) reizbar, erregbar, gereizt, unruhig, zerfahren
  3. in Erregung, beunruhigt

Cross Translation:
nervous nervös nerveus — lijdend aan gespannen zenuwen
nervous spannungsgeladen; gespannt gespannen — ongemakkelijk, blijk gevend van stress, het punt van (uit-)barsten naderend
nervous nervös zenuwachtig — lijdend onder een gevoelig, snel geraakt zenuwstelsel
nervous nervös nerveuxrelatif aux nerfs et au système nerveux.