Detailed Translations for trustee from English to German
the trustee (bookkeeper; administrator; accountant; regent)
the trustee (executor; regent)
the trustee (regent)
der Bevollmächtigte
Translation Matrix for trustee:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
Administrator | accountant; administrator; bookkeeper; regent; trustee | Administrator; administrator; computer administrator; sysadmin; system administrator |
Bevollmächtigte | regent; trustee | authorized representative; delegate; plenipotentiary |
Buchführer | accountant; administrator; bookkeeper; regent; trustee | |
Buchhalter | accountant; administrator; bookkeeper; regent; trustee | accountant |
Konkurrenzverwalter | executor; regent; trustee | |
Nachlaßpfleger | executor; regent; trustee | |
- | legal guardian; regent | |
Not Specified | Related Translations | Other Translations |
Administrator | administrator; administrator account; built-in administrator; built-in administrator account |
Related Words for "trustee":
Synonyms for "trustee":
Related Definitions for "trustee":
Wiktionary Translations for trustee:
person to whom property is legally committed in trust
- trustee → Treuhänder; Treuhänderin