
Detailed Translations for distincted from English to German

distincted form of distinct:

distinct adj

  1. distinct (clarifying; clear)
  2. distinct (explicit; unmistakable; definite; clear-cut)
  3. distinct (striking; remarkable; notable; )
  4. distinct (evident; obvious; clarifying; )
  5. distinct (clear; bright; clear-cut; graphic)
  6. distinct (discrete)
    – constituting a separate entity or part 1

Translation Matrix for distinct:

AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
sichtbar as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent big; considerable; conspicuous; discoverable; enormous; great; in flagrante delicto; in sight; large; notable; perceptible; red-handed; remarkable; respectable; striking; substantial; tall; unambiguous; vast; visible; visibly
- clear-cut; decided; distinguishable; trenchant
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
anschaulich as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent clear; unambiguous
auffallend conspicuous; distinct; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; striking; unmistakable blatant; boastful; excessive; extreme; flaunting; haughty; lah-di-dah; leaps out at you; loud; obvious; outstanding; overweening; prominent; showy; sticks out
auffällig conspicuous; distinct; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; striking; unmistakable blatant; boastful; eccentric; exceptional; excessive; extreme; extremely; flaunting; greatly; haughty; highly; lah-di-dah; loud; obvious; overweening; particular; showy; special; ultra
aufschlußreich as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent
ausgeprägt clear-cut; definite; distinct; explicit; unmistakable
beachtenswert conspicuous; distinct; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; striking; unmistakable big; capital; considerable; conspicuous; enormous; great; large; notable; remarkable; respectable; significant; striking; substantial; tall; vast
das ist klar wie Klosbrühe as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent
derb as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent arrogant; banal; below the belt; big-boned; boorish; coarse; gross; heavily-built; hefty; ill-bred; improper; impudent; inappropriate; indelicat; insolent; muscular; nasty; out of place; overbearing; powerfully built; presumptuous; rotten; rude; rustic; shabby; shameless; solid; stocky; stout; strong; sturdy; tactless; trite; trivial; uncalled for; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; unseemly; unsuitable; vapid; vulgar; well built
deutlich as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; graphic; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent clarifying; clear; comprehensible; directly; discernible; fathomed; identifiable; in flagrante delicto; intelligible; obvious; recognisable; recognizable; red-handed; unambiguous; unburdened; understandable; unequivocal; unmistakable
diskret discrete; distinct considerate; discreet; modest
eigenständig discrete; distinct national
eindeutig as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; graphic; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent assured; certain; certainly; clear; conclusive; discernible; identifiable; in flagrante delicto; incontrovertible; indisputable; irrefutable; obvious; of course; positive; positively; recognisable; recognizable; red-handed; sure; sure and certain; unambiguous; understandable; undoubted; unequivocal; unmistakable
einleuchtend as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; graphic; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent clarifying; clear; unambiguous
erkennbar as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent audible; discernible; identifiable; in flagrante delicto; in sight; knowable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; red-handed; tangible; unambiguous; visible
glashell as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent as clear as a bell; clear; clear as glass; crystal-clear; diaphanous; glass-like; glassiness; glasslike; glassy; glazed; in flagrante delicto; pellucid; red-handed; see-through; translucent; transparent; vitreous
gläsern as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent clear; delicate; diaphanous; fragile; frail; glass; glass-like; glassiness; glasslike; glassy; glazed; pellucid; ragged; ramshackle; rare; rarefied; rickety; see-through; tender; teneous; translucent; transparent; vitreous; vulnerable; wobbly; wonky
hervorragend conspicuous; distinct; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; striking; unmistakable as fit as fiddle; better; blinding; brilliant; cherubic; classy; consummate; cool; dazzling; delicious; delightful; divine; excellent; excessive; exquisite; extraordinary; extreme; fabulous; famous; fantastic; fine; first-rate; glittering; glorious; gorgeous; grand; great; haughty; heavenly; high-quality; highly gifted; lofty; magnificent; marvellous; marvelous; outrageous; par excellence; paradisiacal; perfect; phenomenal; prodigious; proud; ravishing; smashing; splendid; super; superb; superior; terrific; tiptop; top-notch; tremendous; vigorous; wonderful
hervorspringend conspicuous; distinct; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; striking; unmistakable big; considerable; conspicuous; enormous; excessive; extreme; great; large; notable; remarkable; respectable; striking; substantial; tall; vast
klar as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; graphic; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent accomplished; achieved; boiled; clear; cloudless; completed; concluded; cooked; directly; discernible; evident; fathomed; finished; identifiable; in flagrante delicto; luminous; obvious; out; over; prepared; ready; ready for use; recognisable; recognizable; red-handed; unambiguous; unclouded; understandable; unequivocal; unmistakable; willing
markant clear-cut; definite; distinct; explicit; unmistakable excessive; extreme
offensichtlich as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent apparently; clear; directly; discernible; evidently; fathomed; identifiable; in flagrante delicto; obvious; obviously; recognisable; recognizable; red-handed; unambiguous; understandable; unequivocal; unmistakable
prononciert clear-cut; conspicuous; definite; distinct; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; striking; unmistakable
separat discrete; distinct apart; aside; distinctive; free-standing; isolated; on its own; particular; separate; solo
sicher as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent absolutely; accurate; accurately; actually; assertive; careful; certain; certainly; certainly yes; clear; conscientious; decided; decisive; definitely; determined; discernible; estimated; exact; factually; firm; fixed; genuinely; identifiable; in flagrante delicto; indeed; infallible; meticulous; most certainly; obvious; of course; persistent; positive; positively; precise; rated; really; recognisable; recognizable; red-handed; resolute; safe; secure; self-confident; standing-on; staunch; stiff; sure; sure and certain; surely; truly; truthfully; unambiguous; undoubted; undoubtedly; unequivocal; unflinching; unmistakable; without danger; without risk
sonnenklar as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent clear; directly; discernible; fathomed; identifiable; in flagrante delicto; obvious; recognisable; recognizable; red-handed; unambiguous; understandable; unequivocal; unmistakable
ungewöhnlich conspicuous; distinct; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; striking; unmistakable bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceedingly; exceptional; exceptionally; excessive; exeptional; extraordinarily; extreme; extremely; freak; idiosyncratic; not used to; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual
unverkennbar clear-cut; conspicuous; definite; distinct; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; striking; unmistakable apparently; clear; discernible; evidently; identifiable; irrefutable; obvious; obviously; recognisable; recognizable; unambiguous; undeniable; unequivocal; unmistakable; unquestionable
vernehmbar as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent audible; unambiguous
vernehmlich as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent unambiguous
verständlich as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent clear; comprehensible; intelligible; obvious; unambiguous; understandable
übersichtlich as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; luminous; manifest; obvious; transparent clarifying; clear; unambiguous

Related Words for "distinct":

Synonyms for "distinct":

Antonyms for "distinct":

Related Definitions for "distinct":

  1. clearly or sharply defined to the mind1
    • Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct...intentions of conquest1
    • trenchant distinctions between right and wrong1
  2. recognizable; marked1
    • noticed a distinct improvement1
    • at a distinct (or decided) disadvantage1
  3. easy to perceive; especially clearly outlined1
    • a distinct flavor1
    • a distinct odor of turpentine1
    • a distinct outline1
    • the ship appeared as a distinct silhouette1
    • distinct fingerprints1
  4. (often followed by `from') not alike; different in nature or quality1
    • plants of several distinct types1
    • the word `nationalism' is used in at least two distinct senses1
    • gold is distinct from iron1
    • a tree related to but quite distinct from the European beech1
    • management had interests quite distinct from those of their employees1
  5. constituting a separate entity or part1
    • on two distinct occasions1

Wiktionary Translations for distinct:

  1. very clear
  1. abgegrenzt, ausgeschlossen
  2. wahrnehmbar durch die Sinne
  3. nicht der-/die-/dasselbe, nicht identisch
  1. verschieden, abweichend (von etwas), auf andere Weise
  2. (vergleichend zu einer ander Sache, Person) Nicht so

Cross Translation:
distinct klar; hell; anschaulich; bestimmt; deutlich; licht; lichtvoll clair — Qui a l’éclat du jour, de la lumière.
distinct anschaulich; bestimmt; deutlich; klar limpide — Qui est clair, transparent.
distinct abgesondert; besonder; einzeln; separat; gesondert; getrennt; abgetrennt particulier — Qui présente une caractéristique spéciale, qui appartenir, proprement et singulièrement, à certaines personnes ou à certaines choses; qui n’est point commun à d’autres personnes, à d’autres choses de même espèce.

External Machine Translations: