
Detailed Translations for recessed from English to German


Translation Matrix for recessed:

AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- deep-set; sunken

Related Words for "recessed":

Synonyms for "recessed":

Related Definitions for "recessed":

  1. resembling an alcove1
  2. having a sunken area1

recessed form of recess:

recess [the ~] noun

  1. the recess (cranny; fissure; crevice; opening; space)
    die Aussparung; die Spalte; die Kluft; der Zwischenraum
  2. the recess
  3. the recess (rest-break; pause; break)
    die Pause; die Schulpause; die Arbeitspause; die Ruhepause; die Entspannung; die Erholung; die Unterbrechung; die Mittagspause
  4. the recess (cut down expenses; reduction; saving; )
    die Kostenersparnis; die Einsparung; die Verminderung; die Senkung; der Rückgang; die Verringerung

Translation Matrix for recess:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Arbeitspause break; pause; recess; rest-break break; dinnertime; intermission; interval; lunch; lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time; pause; time for dinner; working break
Aussparung cranny; crevice; fissure; opening; recess; space cost reduction; cut back in costs
Einsparung curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decrease; diminution; dwindling; economy; finance management; foreshortening; market; recess; reduction; retrenchment; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening being economical; cost reduction; curtailment; cut back in costs; cutting short; frugality; reduction; restricting; thrift
Entspannung break; pause; recess; rest-break allaying; appeasement; appeasing; benefit; break; calming; calming down; derivative; diversion; diversionary tactic; intermission; interval; pacifying; pause; quieting; red herring; relaxation; relief; relieve; social assistance; social security; soothing; steadying; unemployment benefit; welfare
Erholung break; pause; recess; rest-break allaying; appeasement; appeasing; break; calming; calming down; day off; floating day; furlough; intermission; interval; leave; pacifying; pause; quieting; recreation; relaxation; relief; sabbatical; soothing; steadying; study leave; vacation
Kluft cranny; crevice; fissure; opening; recess; space rags; togs
Kostenersparnis curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decrease; diminution; dwindling; economy; finance management; foreshortening; market; recess; reduction; retrenchment; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening
Mittagspause break; pause; recess; rest-break break; dinnertime; intermission; interval; lunch; lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time; pause; time for dinner
Parlamentsferien recess
Pause break; pause; recess; rest-break break; intermission; interval; pause; rest-break; working break
Ruhepause break; pause; recess; rest-break break; intermission; interval; pause; rest-break
Rückgang curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decrease; diminution; dwindling; economy; finance management; foreshortening; market; recess; reduction; retrenchment; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening abatement; atavism; caving in; collapse; collapsing; crash; decay; decline; decrease; deduct; deterioration; downfall; fall; falling down; falling off; putrefaction; reductions; relapse; reversion; rotting; sagging
Schulpause break; pause; recess; rest-break
Senkung curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decrease; diminution; dwindling; economy; finance management; foreshortening; market; recess; reduction; retrenchment; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening bulge; crash; cut; decline; decrease; degradation; dip; disgracement; dishonering; downfall; fall; glen; inclination; letting down; lowness; pay cut; sag; salary cut; slope
Spalte cranny; crevice; fissure; opening; recess; space alcove; cavity; cleft; column; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; hollow; interstice; niche; noise level; opening; pile; pillar; rent; rip; saving; sound intensity; sound level; sound volume; split; tear; volume
Unterbrechung break; pause; recess; rest-break break; breaking; breaks; delay; disruption; division; divorce; gap; interference; intermission; interruption; interval; intervention; intrusion; meddling; partition; pause; reprive; respite; segregation; separation; severance
Verminderung curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decrease; diminution; dwindling; economy; finance management; foreshortening; market; recess; reduction; retrenchment; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening cut; decrease; deduct; degradation; diminishing; disgracement; dishonering; fall; lessening; pay cut; reduction; salary cut; toning down; weakening
Verringerung curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decrease; diminution; dwindling; economy; finance management; foreshortening; market; recess; reduction; retrenchment; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening cut; decrease; deduct; degradation; diminishing; diminution; disgracement; dishonering; fall; pay cut; reduction; salary cut; toning down; weakening
Zwischenraum cranny; crevice; fissure; opening; recess; space gap; gap depth; interim; interspace; interval; space
- break; corner; deferral; inlet; niche; recession; respite; time out
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- adjourn; break up
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Spalte column
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- cavity; hollow; housing; indentation; notch

Related Words for "recess":

Synonyms for "recess":

Related Definitions for "recess":

  1. a pause from doing something (as work)1
  2. an enclosure that is set back or indented1
  3. an arm off of a larger body of water (often between rocky headlands)1
  4. a small concavity1
  5. a state of abeyance or suspended business1
  6. close at the end of a session1
  7. make a recess in1
    • recess the piece of wood1
  8. put into a recess1
    • recess lights1

Wiktionary Translations for recess:

  1. a break, pause or vacation
  2. an inset, hole, space or opening
  1. Schule: Unterbrechung des Unterrichtes

Cross Translation:
recess Alkove; Bettnische alcôveenfoncement pratiquer dans une chambre, initialement pour y placer un lit.
recess Pause pausesuspension, interruption momentanée d’une action.
recess Ruhe; Stille; Pause reposprivation, cessation de mouvement, d’activité ou d’effort,.
recess Alkoven; Bettnische ruelle — Espace qu’on laisse entre un des côtés du lit et la muraille (2)
recess Pause récré — Période de la journée scolaire durant laquelle les enfants peuvent sortir et s’amuser.

External Machine Translations: