
Detailed Translations for riots from English to German


riots [the ~] noun

  1. the riots (revolts; uproars)
    die Aufruhre; die Volksaufstände; die Umstürze
  2. the riots
    die Unlüste
  3. the riots (insurrections; revolts; rebellions)
    die Volksaufstände

Translation Matrix for riots:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Aufruhre revolts; riots; uproars
Umstürze revolts; riots; uproars revolutions; rotations
Unlüste riots
Volksaufstände insurrections; rebellions; revolts; riots; uproars

Related Words for "riots":

riots form of riot:

riot [the ~] noun

  1. the riot (disturbance; revolt; pandemonium; )
    der Aufstand; der Volksaufstand; der Krawall; der Tumult; der Widerstand; die Empörung; die Rebellion; die Volkserhebung; die Schlägerei; die Erhebung; der Auflauf; der Aufruhr; die Auflehnung
  2. the riot (rebellion; resistance; revolt)
    der Aufstand; die Erhebung; der Aufruhr; die Rebellion; der Volksaufstand; die Auflehnung; die Volkserhebung
  3. the riot (tumult; revolt)
    der Auflauf; die Anziehung; der Zusammenlauf
  4. the riot (insurrection; rebellion; revolt)
    der Volksaufstand; der Aufstand; die Erhebung; die Rebellion; die Volkserhebung
  5. the riot (disturbance; commotion)
    der Aufruhr; die Unlust

Translation Matrix for riot:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Anziehung revolt; riot; tumult appeal; attraction; attractiveness; charm; temptation
Auflauf commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; pandemonium; rebellion; revolt; riot; tumult
Auflehnung commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; pandemonium; rebellion; resistance; revolt; riot
Aufruhr commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; pandemonium; rebellion; resistance; revolt; riot clamor; clamour; commotion; din; disorder; disturbance; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; interference; movement; noise; problems; racket; revolution; roar; rumor; rumour; sensation; shake up; trouble; troubles; tumult; tumultuousness; turnover; upheaval
Aufstand commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; insurrection; pandemonium; rebellion; resistance; revolt; riot
Empörung commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; pandemonium; rebellion; revolt; riot indignation
Erhebung commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; insurrection; pandemonium; rebellion; resistance; revolt; riot elevation; plank bridge; platform; price list; table of charges
Krawall commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; pandemonium; rebellion; revolt; riot clamor; clamour; disorder; disturbance; interference; trouble; uproar
Rebellion commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; insurrection; pandemonium; rebellion; resistance; revolt; riot
Schlägerei commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; pandemonium; rebellion; revolt; riot argument; brawl; brawls; combats; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; fight; fights; free-for-all; quarrel; row; scuffle; struggle; tussle; wrestle
Tumult commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; pandemonium; rebellion; revolt; riot clamor; clamour; din; fuss; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; movement; noise; oscillation; racket; roar; rumor; rumour; sea; swell; swinging; tumult; tumultuousness
Unlust commotion; disturbance; riot apathy; discontent; discord; displeasure; dissatisfaction; dullness; listlessness; tepidness; unwillingness
Volksaufstand commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; insurrection; pandemonium; rebellion; resistance; revolt; riot revolution; turnover; upheaval
Volkserhebung commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; insurrection; pandemonium; rebellion; resistance; revolt; riot
Widerstand commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; pandemonium; rebellion; revolt; riot counter-pressure; hindrance; obstruction; opposition; resistance; resistance group; resistance movement; resistance organisation; resistor; sabotage; underground organization
Zusammenlauf revolt; riot; tumult concourse; concurrence
- bacchanal; bacchanalia; belly laugh; debauch; debauchery; drunken revelry; howler; orgy; public violence; rioting; saturnalia; scream; sidesplitter; thigh-slapper; wow
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- carouse; roister
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- tumult

Related Words for "riot":

Synonyms for "riot":

Related Definitions for "riot":

  1. a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity1
  2. a public act of violence by an unruly mob1
  3. a joke that seems extremely funny1
  4. a state of disorder involving group violence1
  5. engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking1
  6. take part in a riot; disturb the public peace by engaging in a riot1
    • Students were rioting everywhere in 19681

Wiktionary Translations for riot:

  1. tumultuous disturbance of public peace
  1. Krawall machen
  1. (nur Pl.) Aufstand gegen bestehende Verhältnisse
  2. nur im Plural; umgangssprachlich: Krawall; bewusste Beschädigung oder Zerstörung fremden Eigentums
  3. meist im Plural: Reihe von Gewalttaten einer Menge

Cross Translation:
riot Aufruhr; Aufstand rel — een verstoring van de openbare orde door een menigte, meestal gepaard gaand met geweld en politieoptreden
riot Aufruhr; Aufstand; Getümmel; Krawall; Tumult bagarre — Tumulte, mêlée bruyante et désordonnée.

External Machine Translations: