
Detailed Translations for seizures from English to German


seizures [the ~] noun

  1. the seizures
    die Pfändungen
  2. the seizures (apoplexies; strokes; attacks)
    die Schlaganfälle; die Herzinfarkte; die Herzstillstände

Translation Matrix for seizures:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Herzinfarkte apoplexies; attacks; seizures; strokes
Herzstillstände apoplexies; attacks; seizures; strokes
Pfändungen seizures
Schlaganfälle apoplexies; attacks; seizures; strokes

Related Words for "seizures":

seizures form of seizure:

seizure [the ~] noun

  1. the seizure (attachment)
    die Pfändung; die Beschlagnahmung; die Beschlagnahme; der Arrest
  2. the seizure (heart attack; heart failure; stroke; )
    der Herzinfarkt
  3. the seizure (confiscation; taking up)
    die Beschlagnahme; die Konfiszierung

Translation Matrix for seizure:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Arrest attachment; seizure decree; stay behind; staying in after school
Beschlagnahme attachment; confiscation; seizure; taking up confiscation of property; forfeiture; requisition
Beschlagnahmung attachment; seizure
Herzinfarkt cardiac arrest; coronary attack; heart attack; heart failure; paralysis of the heart; seizure; stroke
Konfiszierung confiscation; seizure; taking up forfeiture
Pfändung attachment; seizure seizure of goods
- capture; gaining control; ictus; raptus

Related Words for "seizure":

Synonyms for "seizure":

Related Definitions for "seizure":

  1. the taking possession of something by legal process1
  2. the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property1
  3. the act of taking of a person by force1
  4. a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease1
    • he suffered an epileptic seizure1

Wiktionary Translations for seizure:

  1. act of taking possession, as by force or right of law
  2. sudden attack or convulsion
  3. sudden onset of pain or emotion

Cross Translation:
seizure Schlag; Schlagfluß; Schlaganfall; Gehirnschlag; Apoplexie apoplexie — médecine|fr arrêt brusque, plus ou moins complet, des fonctions cérébrales, accompagner de la perte entier ou partielle de la connaissance et du mouvement.
seizure Beschlagnahme saisieprise de possession par une autorité public de meubles ou d’immeubles, dont la propriété revendiquer ou sur lesquels un créancier vouloir se faire payer.