English to Spanish: more detail...
eye of a needle:
eye of a needle → ojo de la aguja
Detailed Translations for eye of a needle from English to Spanish
eye of a needle: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- eye: mirada; ojo; ojillo; ojito; ojete; ojuelo; observar
- of: desde; por parte de
- A: Para todas las edades; A
- a: solo; completamente solo
- needle: aguja; provocar; picar; animar; desafiar; afrontar; pinchar; causar; suscitar; incitar; estimular; atormentar; instigar; importunar; chancear; hostigar; jorobar; encrespar; soliviantar; escarabajear; dar motivo para; jeringa; inyección; jeringuilla; jeringa de inyecciones; jeringa hipodérmica
Spelling Suggestions for: eye of a needle
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Wiktionary Translations for eye of a needle:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• eye of a needle | → ojo de la aguja | ↔ Nadelöhr — kreisförmige oder auch ovale Öffnung am Ende einer Nähnadel |
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Spelling Suggestions for: eye of a needle
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