English to Spanish: more detail...
toilet roll:
toilet roll → rollo de papel higiénico -
Synonyms for "toilet roll":
toilet tissue; toilet paper; bathroom tissue
Detailed Translations for toilet roll from English to Spanish
toilet roll: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- toilet: baño; lavabo; servicios; retrete; wáter; letrina
- roll: tornar; tornarse; bocadillo; bollo; panecillo; bobina; carrete; devanadera; rollo; arrojar; agitar; oscilar; mecer; ondear; rizar; blandir; escorar; columpiarse; fluctuar; agitarse; tambalearse; mecerse; bambolearse; serpentear; balancearse; renguear; hacer eses; ondularse; saludar con la mano; moverse continuamente; borbotear de; salir a borbotones de; borbotear por; saltar sobre; dar bandazos; entrar a chorros en; hacer oscilar; girar; liar; dar vueltas
Spelling Suggestions for: toilet roll
toilet roll:
Synonyms for "toilet roll":
Related Definitions for "toilet roll":
Wiktionary Translations for toilet roll:
toilet roll
roll of toilet paper
- toilet roll → rollo de papel higiénico
External Machine Translations: