English to Spanish: more detail...
mountain climbing:
mountain climbing → alpinismo, escalada -
Synonyms for "mountain climbing":
mountaineering; climb; mount
Detailed Translations for mountain climbing from English to Spanish
mountain climbing: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- mountain: acumulación; amontonamiento; gran cantidad; gran número; montaña
- climb: ascender; escalar; subir a; ir subiendo; trepar en; subida; ascenso; escalada; subir; avanzar; levantarse; levantar; despegar; alzar; emerger; elevarse; volarse; enarcar; levantar el vuelo; alzar el vuelo; echarse a volar; tirar hacia arriba; tomar velocidad; levantarse de un salto; reventar; hurgar; trepar a; sacar al azar; coger a la arrebatiña; encaramarse a; ir a galope tendido
- climbing: creciente; aumentando; subiendo; en escala; en aumento; subir; ascenso; surgiendo; puesto de pie
mountain climbing:
Translation Matrix for mountain climbing:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | mountaineering |
Synonyms for "mountain climbing":
Related Definitions for "mountain climbing":
Wiktionary Translations for mountain climbing:
External Machine Translations: