
Detailed Translations for fuss from English to Spanish


fuss [the ~] noun

  1. the fuss (noise; sound)
    la ballanga; el jaleo; el escándalo; el estruendo; el rumor; el tumulto; el alboroto
  2. the fuss
    la triquiñelas; el baturillo
  3. the fuss
    la pamplinas
  4. the fuss (commotion; ado; song and dance; to-do)
    la conmoción; la agitación
  5. the fuss (commotion; bustle; hubbub; din)
    el ajetreo; el lío; la disputa; la riña; el follón
  6. the fuss (argy-bargy; stir; commotion; squabbling; hubble-bubble)
    el peso; el rollo; el lío; la carga; la molestia; la quejas; el jaleo; el alboroto; la dificultad; la discusión; la riña; la contienda; la problemas; el enredo; la agitación; el peleas; el estorbo; el trajín; el follón; la conmoción; la imputación; la dificultades; el líos; el tropiezo; el cargamento; la matraca; el disturbios; la trifulca; el tiquismiquis; el lamentos; la riñas; el tumulto; la pelotera; la complicaciones; el disgustos; el dimes y diretes; la machaconería; el dimes y dirés
  7. the fuss (ballyhoo)
  8. the fuss (bother; hassle; mess)
    el ajetreo; la trapisonda; el embrollo
  9. the fuss (chicane)
    el trajín; el tiquismiquis; el dimes y dirés
  10. the fuss (trouble making; hassle; chicanery)
    la peso; la molestia; el desastre; la orden; el problema; la quejas; la desgracia; el apuro; la molestias; la miseria; la riña; el problemas; el gravamen; el aprieto; el estorbo; la interrupción; el lamentos; la complicaciones; la incomodidades
  11. the fuss (cumbrousness; prolixity)
    la prolijidad; la tijereta; la florituras; la exhaustividad; la verbosidad; la aparatosidad; la extensión excesiva

Translation Matrix for fuss:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
agitación ado; argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; song and dance; squabbling; stir; to-do agitation; arousal; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; flow; highly strung; hubbub; hullabaloo; hurrying; hustle; hustle and bustle; incitement to; influx; instigation to; jittery; nervousness; noise; oscillation; pandemonium; racket; rebellion; revolt; riot; rush; sea; sensation; shake up; spin; spinning dive; squash; stampede; stress; swell; swinging; trouble; tumult; tumultuousness; turbulence; turmoil; unrest; upheaval
ajetreo bother; bustle; commotion; din; fuss; hassle; hubbub; mess bustle; flow; fuss and bother; hurrying; hustle; hustle and bustle; influx; rush; squash; stampede; to-do; worry
alboroto argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; noise; sound; squabbling; stir bedlam; cabal; clamor; clamour; commotion; din; disorder; disturbance; fisticuffs; flow; howling; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; influx; interference; movement; noise; oscillation; pandemonium; racket; rebellion; revolt; riot; roar; roaring; row; rumor; rumour; rumpus; rush; sea; sensation; shake up; squash; stampede; swell; swinging; trouble; tumult; tumultuousness; upheaval; uproar; yelling
aparatosidad cumbrousness; fuss; prolixity
aprieto chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making difficulty
apuro chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making bar; café; coffeeshop; inn; pub; tavern
ballanga fuss; noise; sound
baturillo fuss
carga argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir baggage; burden; cargo; cartload; embarkation; enshipment; entraining; freight; haul; load; loading; luggage; pack; payload; shipment; upload; weight
cargamento argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir cargo; cartload; charges; embarkation; freight; haul; load; loading; shipment; weight
complicaciones argy-bargy; chicanery; commotion; fuss; hassle; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir; trouble making difficulty
conmoción ado; argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; song and dance; squabbling; stir; to-do agitation; alluvion; beating of the waves; commotion; compassion; disorder; disturbance; emotion; feeling; fisticuffs; interference; irritability; irritation; pandemonium; pique; rebellion; revolt; riot; turbulence; unrest; wash
contienda argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir battle; war
desastre chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making accident; adversity; bad luck; botch job; bungle; bungling; bungling work; bust-up; calamity; catastrophe; collapse; crash; crisis; danger; destitution; disability; disaster; emergency situation; evil; handicap; harping on; joke; misery; misfortune; misère; moaning; nagging; physical defect; reverse; sagging; shoddy work; slump; smash; sorrow; squalor; state of emergency; tribulation; trouble
desgracia chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making accident; adversity; authorisation; authorization; bad luck; calamity; catastrophe; destitution; disaster; disfavor; disfavour; disgrace; distress; evil; grief; harping on; misery; misfortune; misère; moaning; nagging; ordeal; pain; reverse; sadness; sorrow; squalor; test; testing; tribulation; trouble
dificultad argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir difficulty; hitch; laboriousness; problematical case; task; worry
dificultades argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir annoyance; calamity; catastrophe; chagrin; defects; deficiencies; difficulty; disaster; discomforts; faults; hitches; misery; problems; troubles; vexation
dimes y diretes argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir arguing; bickering; quarreling; quibbling; scolding; squabbling; wrangling
dimes y dirés argy-bargy; chicane; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir
discusión argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir arguing; argument; association; battle of words; bickering; change of mind; chat; conversation; debate; debating society; disagreement; discussing; discussion; disputation; dispute; exchange of ideas; exchange of opinions; exchange of thoughts; exchange of views; fight; game of rough-and-tumble; quarrel; quarreling; quarrelling; quibbling; reaction to; romp; romping; scolding; society; squabble; squabbling; sustenance; talk; talking; talking about; verbal dispute; verbal duel; verbal sword-play; wrangling
disgustos argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir annoyance; chagrin; difficulty; ghastliness; horridness; nastyness; parsimony; vexation
disputa bustle; commotion; din; fuss; hubbub affair; arguing; argument; battle of words; bickering; business; case; change of mind; controversy; conversation; debate; disagreement; discussion; disputation; dispute; event; matter; occasion; occurrence; problem; quarrel; quarreling; quarrelling; question; quibbling; scolding; skirmish; squabble; squabbling; verbal dispute; verbal duel; verbal sword-play; wrangling
disturbios argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir chaos; commotion; confusion; disorder; disturbance; fisticuffs; interference; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; pandemonium; problems; rebellion; revolt; riot; riots; tangle; trouble; troubles; welter
embrollo bother; fuss; hassle; mess ado; bother; entanglement; fuss and bother; fuzz; huzza; interlocking; intrige; mess; plot; rumpus; to-do; worry
enredo argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir absence of order; chaos; confusion; conniving; crisscross; disarray; disorder; entanglement; interlocking; intrige; intrigue; labyrinth; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; plot; scheming; tangle; trapping; trouble; wangling; welter
escándalo fuss; noise; sound cabal; caboodle; chaos; clamor; clamour; din; disgrace; hash; hubbub; hullabaloo; ignominy; infamy; mayhem; mess; muddle; racket; row; rumpus; scandal; scandalous behaviour; shame; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
estorbo argy-bargy; chicanery; commotion; fuss; hassle; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir; trouble making barrier; difficulty; hindrance; hotchpotch; impediment; inconvenience; jumble; load; medley; mishmash; nuisance; obstacle; obstruction; weight
estruendo fuss; noise; sound bang; blast; boom; clamor; clamour; crash down; din; discharge; drone; explosion; howling; howling of the wind; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; movement; noise; racket; roar; roaring; rumor; rumour; sudden explosion; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar; yelling
exhaustividad cumbrousness; fuss; prolixity cumbrousness; lengthiness; long-windedness
extensión excesiva cumbrousness; fuss; prolixity cumbrousness; lengthiness; long-windedness
florituras cumbrousness; fuss; prolixity
follón argy-bargy; bustle; commotion; din; fuss; hubble-bubble; hubbub; squabbling; stir fight; game of rough-and-tumble; harping on; moaning; nagging; romp; romping; trouble; whining
gravamen chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making cargo; charges; freight; hotchpotch; jumble; load; medley; mishmash; shipment
imputación argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir accusation; allegation; cargo; freight; hotchpotch; imputation; insinuation; jumble; load; medley; mishmash; shipment
incomodidades chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making defects; deficiencies; faults; hitches; problems; troubles
insignificancia ballyhoo; fuss deaf-muteness; dime novel; dullness; foolishness; futility; inanity; invalidity; it was nothing; light novel; little bit; naïvete; nullity; penny dreadful; scanty garment; silliness; small affair; small matter; small thing; something unimportant; stupidity; trifle; vapidity; yellowback
interrupción chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making IRQ; break; disruption; gap; interference; intermission; interrupt; interrupt request; interruption; interval; intervention; intrusion; meddling; playtime; rest-break; severance; working break
jaleo argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; noise; sound; squabbling; stir bustle; difficulty; flow; hindrance; hustle; hustle and bustle; impediment; inconvenience; influx; load; messy performance; moaning; nagging; nuisance; rush; squash; stampede; trouble; weight; whining; worry
lamentos argy-bargy; chicanery; commotion; fuss; hassle; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir; trouble making
lío argy-bargy; bustle; commotion; din; fuss; hubble-bubble; hubbub; squabbling; stir ado; affair; beastliness; bother; bundle; bustle; complication; distress; entanglement; flirt; fuzz; hustle; hustle and bustle; huzza; interlocking; intrige; mess; petting-party; plot; problem; rumpus; to-do; trouble
líos argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir annoyance; beastliness; calamity; catastrophe; chagrin; difficulty; disaster; discomforts; distress; misery; problems; trouble; troubles; vexation
machaconería argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir moaning; nagging; trouble; whining; worry
matraca argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir moaning; nagging; trouble; whining
miseria chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making adversity; annoyance; blows; calamity; catastrophe; chagrin; dearth; destitution; difficulty; disaster; disasters; discomforts; distress; grief; hardship; harping on; helplessness; lack; meagerness; meagreness; miserability; misery; misfortune; misfortunes; moaning; nagging; necessity; need; neediness; pain; parsimony; paucity; penury; poverty; problems; punches; sadness; scantiness; slenderness; sorrow; squalor; trouble; troubles; vexation; want
molestia argy-bargy; chicanery; commotion; fuss; hassle; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir; trouble making ailment; block; bother; complaint; daily pursuit; daily worry; difficulty; discomfort; discontent; discord; disease; disorder; dissatisfaction; fight; game of rough-and-tumble; hindrance; hotchpotch; impediment; inconvenience; jumble; load; medley; mishmash; nuisance; obstacle; obstruction; romp; romping; stonewalling; thwarting; trouble; unpleasantness; weight
molestias chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making calamity; catastrophe; difficulty; disaster; discomfort; hindrance; impediment; inconvenience; load; miseries; nuisance; problems; troubles; weight
mucho ruido por tan poca cosa ballyhoo; fuss
orden chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making announcement; assignment; building; by-law; candor; candour; chain; civility; command; construction; courtesy; courtliness; decency; decision; defining; detachment; determination; discipline; establishment; etiquette; existing order; faultlessness; file; fixing; frankness; gallantry; good breeding; good manners; hotchpotch; impeccability; instruction; irreprochability; joint; joy; jumble; light-heartedness; line; manners

Related Words for "fuss":

  • fusses

Synonyms for "fuss":

Related Definitions for "fuss":

  1. a rapid active commotion1
  2. a quarrel about petty points1
  3. an angry disturbance1
    • he didn't want to make a fuss1
  4. an excited state of agitation1
  5. worry unnecessarily or excessively1
    • don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now1
  6. care for like a mother1
    • She fusses over her husband1

Wiktionary Translations for fuss:

  1. excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something

Cross Translation:
fuss aspaviento Gedönsumgangssprachlich, pejorativ: unnötiger Aufwand
fuss hacer ruido; meter ruido lärmen — (intransitiv) laute, störende Geräusche verursachen
fuss apresurarse empresser — (vieilli) agir avec ardeur, se donner beaucoup de mouvement, de peine, s’agiter, se mettre en avant pour réussir dans quelque entreprise, quelque affaire.

Related Translations for fuss