English to Spanish: more detail...
- operational:
- operational → operacional, estratégico
Detailed Translations for operational from English to Spanish
operational (ready for use; standing by)
Translation Matrix for operational:
Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | functional; in operation; operable; operating; usable; useable | |
Modifier | Related Translations | Other Translations |
dispuesto para el funcionamiento | operational; ready for use; standing by | |
operativo | operational; ready for use; standing by | |
utilizable | operational; ready for use; standing by | useful |
Related Words for "operational":
Synonyms for "operational":
Antonyms for "operational":
Related Definitions for "operational":
Wiktionary Translations for operational:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• operational | → operacional | ↔ operationeel — betrekking hebbend op de keuzemogelijkheden van het laagste niveau van een organisatie |
• operational | → estratégico | ↔ operativ — Militär: einen militärischen Eingriff betreffend |