
Detailed Translations for consenting from English to Spanish


Translation Matrix for consenting:

Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
aprobador approver
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
aprobador approving; assenting; consenting
aprobativo approving; assenting; consenting
con consentimiento approving; assenting; consenting

Synonyms for "consenting":

Related Definitions for "consenting":

  1. having given consent1
    • consenting adults1

consenting form of consent:

consent [the ~] noun

  1. the consent (agreement; settlement; make a compromise; )
    el tratado; el acuerdo; el compromiso; el arreglo; el convenio; el contrato; el permiso; el acorde; la disposición; el pacto; la ratificación
  2. the consent (approval; agreement; permission)
    la aprobación; el acuerdo; la ratificación; el permiso; la autorización; la aquiescencia; la licencia; el consentimiento
  3. the consent (approval; sanctioning)
    el acuerdo; la ratificación; el convenio; la autorización; el consentimiento
  4. the consent
    la aprobación; el consentimiento; la ratificación; la autorización
  5. the consent (yes)
    • [el ~] noun
  6. the consent (discretion)
    el consentimiento; la discreción

Translation Matrix for consent:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
acorde agreement; approval; chord; come to terms; concurrence; consent; make a compromise; permission; settlement grip
acuerdo agreement; approval; chord; come to terms; concurrence; consent; make a compromise; permission; sanctioning; settlement agreeing; agreement; alliance; arrangement; arranging; articulation; association; bond; cathedral; communality; community; conciliation; concord; consensus; contract; decree; equalness; judgement; league; pact; settlement; shop; unanimity; union; verdict
aprobación agreement; approval; consent; permission acceptance; access; acclaim; admission; admittance; agreeing with; allowance; approval; approval activity; assent; authorisation; authority; authorization; be satisfied with; endorsement; fetching; fiat; finds general favour; getting; going along with; granting; licence; license; mandate; permission; permit; power; power of attorney; ratification; safe-conduct; safeguard; sanction
aquiescencia agreement; approval; consent; permission
arreglo agreement; approval; chord; come to terms; concurrence; consent; make a compromise; permission; settlement adjustment; arrangement; atoning for; clearance; compensating for; compensation; instructions; issuing of rules; making up for; recovery; redeem; reimbursement; repair; repair work; repairs; repayment; restoration; rules; settlement
autorización agreement; approval; consent; permission; sanctioning acceptance; access; admission; admittance; allowance; approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; competence; confirmation; fiat; granting; instructions; licence; license; mandate; permission; permit; power; power of attorney; qualification; safe-conduct; safeguard; warrant
compromiso agreement; approval; chord; come to terms; concurrence; consent; make a compromise; permission; settlement agreement; alliance; amorous adventure; appointment; arrangement; collaboration; commitment; cooperation; courtship; date; love affair; obligation; relationship; romance; romanticism; settlement; undertaking; wooing
consentimiento agreement; approval; consent; discretion; permission; sanctioning acceptance; access; admission; admittance; allowance; approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; be satisfied with; fiat; granting; licence; license; mandate; permission; permit; power; power of attorney; safe-conduct; safeguard; social assistance; supply of information; supplying; written agreement
contrato agreement; approval; chord; come to terms; concurrence; consent; make a compromise; permission; settlement agreement; case; charter; contract; equalness; job
convenio agreement; approval; chord; come to terms; concurrence; consent; make a compromise; permission; sanctioning; settlement agreeing; agreement; arranging; charter; clearance; contract; equalness; licence; license; permit; safe-conduct; safeguard; settlement
discreción consent; discretion concealment; confidentiality; demureness; having no pretentions; modesty; privacy; secrecy; secret; simplicity; stealth
disposición agreement; approval; chord; come to terms; concurrence; consent; make a compromise; permission; settlement arrangement; clearance; conviction; creed; delivery; disposition; hierarchy; idea; inclination; intention; mental state; notion; opinion; order of rank; preparedness; rank; readiness; settlement; supplies; supply; tendency; tenor; trend; view; will; willingness; wish
licencia agreement; approval; consent; permission allowance; approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; brevet; certificate; fiat; licence; license; mandate; permission; permit; power; power of attorney; safe-conduct; safeguard
pacto agreement; approval; chord; come to terms; concurrence; consent; make a compromise; permission; settlement agreement; alliance; association; bond; brotherhood; charter; contract; equalness; league; licence; license; pact; permit; safe-conduct; safeguard; union
permiso agreement; approval; chord; come to terms; concurrence; consent; make a compromise; permission; settlement acceptance; access; admission; admittance; allowance; approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; day off; fiat; floating day; furlough; granting; leave; licence; license; mandate; permission; permission letter; permit; power; power of attorney; sabbatical; safe-conduct; safeguard; study leave; supply of information; supplying; vacation
ratificación agreement; approval; chord; come to terms; concurrence; consent; make a compromise; permission; sanctioning; settlement authorisation; authorization; confirmation; permission; ratification
consent; yes
tratado agreement; approval; chord; come to terms; concurrence; consent; make a compromise; permission; settlement agreement; alliance; association; bond; collaboration; contract; cooperation; equalness; league; pact; pamphlet; treaty; union
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- accept; go for
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
herself; himself; indeed; oneself; yes
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
acorde congenial; like-minded
actual; actually; certainly; definitely; in truth; indeed; it's true; real; really; sure; to be sure; truly; verily; well; yes; yes indeed
tratado treated

Related Words for "consent":

  • consents, sent

Synonyms for "consent":

Antonyms for "consent":

Related Definitions for "consent":

  1. permission to do something1
    • he indicated his consent1
  2. give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to1

Wiktionary Translations for consent:

  1. voluntary agreement
  1. to express willingness

Cross Translation:
consent autorización; permiso toestemming — een toezegging dat iets geoorloofd is
consent jawoord — het bevestigende antwoord op een huwelijksaanzoek
consent asentimiento; conforme fiattoestemming, goedkeuring
consent acuerdo Einverständnismeist Singular: Zustimmung, Erlaubnis
consent admitir admettrerecevoir par choix, faveur ou condescendance.
consent consentir consentiradmettre comme vrai.