
Detailed Translations for decisiveness from English to Spanish


decisiveness [the ~] noun

  1. the decisiveness (resolution; resoluteness)
    la resolución; la decisión; la certeza
  2. the decisiveness (resolution; resoluteness)
    la firmeza; la decisión; el empeño
  3. the decisiveness
    la energía

Translation Matrix for decisiveness:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
certeza decisiveness; resoluteness; resolution certainty; consistency; firmness; positiveness
decisión decisiveness; resoluteness; resolution articulation; cathedral; decision; decision of the town council; decree; determination; facility; firmness; judgement; measure; provision; resoluteness; resolution; ruling; supply; sureness; verdict
empeño decisiveness; resoluteness; resolution effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; physical effort; strain
energía decisiveness ability; ardor; ardour; authority; capacity; current; drive; efficacy; electric current; energy; force; gin; gusto; impetus; influence; intensity; jenever; momentum; passion; power; soul; spirit; spunk; strength; strongness; thoroughness; verve; vigor; vigour; zeal; zest
firmeza decisiveness; resoluteness; resolution certainty; coarseness; consistency; determination; firmness; incontrovertibility; indisputableness; indossulability; inflexibility; lime content; obduracy; obstinancy; positiveness; resistency; resoluteness; resolution; solidity; stability; stableness; stubbornness; sureness
resolución decisiveness; resoluteness; resolution answer; articulation; conciliation; decision; decree; facility; judgement; measure; provision; resolution; resolver; settlement; solution; supply; verdict
- conclusiveness; decision; finality
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
empeño headstrong; obstinate; pig-headed; stubborn

Related Words for "decisiveness":

Synonyms for "decisiveness":

Antonyms for "decisiveness":

Related Definitions for "decisiveness":

  1. the quality of being final or definitely settled1
  2. the trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose1
    • a man of unusual decisiveness1

decisiveness form of decisive:

Translation Matrix for decisive:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
notable dignitary; notable
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
eficaz decisive; energetic; lively economical; effective; efficacious; efficient; examined; frugal; potent; sparing; tested; thrifty
enérgico decisive; energetic; lively active; drastic; dynamic; effective; energetic; energetically; fierce; forceful; full of life; heavy; intense; lively; morally strong; muscular; potent; powerful; robust; spirited; stout; strapping; strong; tough; uncontrolled; vehement; viable; vigorous; violent; vital
- critical
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
ahincado decisive; energetic; lively
alentado decided; decisive; determined; resolute bold; brave; courageous; heroic; heroical; valiant
animoso decided; decisive; determined; resolute bold; brave; courageous; heroic; heroical; valiant
arrojado decided; decisive; determined; resolute bold; brave; courageous; emitted; expelled; heroic; heroical; thrown out; valiant
considerable decided; decisive; determined; resolute big; capital; comparative; considerable; considerably; conspicuous; enormous; fair; fairly; firm; generously; great; large; moderately; notable; paradigmatic; pretty; quite; quite a lot; rather; rather a lot; reasonably; relative; relatively; remarkable; respectable; robust; significant; sizable; standing-on; staunch; stiff; striking; substantial; tall; vast
considerablemente decided; decisive; determined; resolute big; capital; comparative; considerable; conspicuous; enormous; fair; fairly; firm; great; large; moderately; notable; paradigmatic; relative; relatively; remarkable; respectable; significant; standing-on; staunch; stiff; striking; substantial; tall; vast
corpulento decided; decisive; determined; resolute bold; brave; bulky; closed; courageous; dense; heroic; heroical; obese; shut; sizeable; stout; valiant
crucial critical; crucial; decisive; final; paramount; vital cardinal; central; chief; crucial; elemental; essential; fundamental; indispensable; material; principal; very important; vital; wanted
de buena salud decided; decisive; determined; resolute big
decidido decided; decisive; determined; resolute bold; brave; brisk; candid; courageous; determined; drastic; energetic; energetically; firm; forceful; frank; heroic; heroical; intended; potent; powerful; purposeful; resolute; robust; stout; strong; tough; unabashed; unflinching; uninhibited; valiant; vigorous
determinante critical; crucial; decisive; final; paramount; vital generally; mainly
dinámico decisive; energetic; lively active; dynamic; energetic; lively
drástico decided; decisive; determined; resolute drastic; energetic; energetically; forceful; potent; powerful; radical; robust; root-and-branch; stout; strong; thorough; tough; vigorous
emprendedor decisive; energetic; lively enterprising
firme decided; decisive; determined; resolute absolutely; against the grain; big; bold; brisk; courageous; determined; firm; immovable; indeed; inflexible; muscular; obstinate; persistent; recalcitrant; resolute; rigid; solid; sound; stable; standing-on; star; staunch; steady; stern; stiff; stout; straight-backed; strong; stubborn; sturdy; sure; unbending; unflinching; well built
gallardo decided; decisive; determined; resolute arrogant; haughty; high-handed; morally strong; presumptuous; supercilious; superior
intenso decided; decisive; determined; resolute boisterousness; busily engaged; busy; deep; dire; embittered; engaged; exasperated; fierce; furious; grim; grinding; heartfelt; heavy; intense; massive; occupied; penetrating; piercing; profound; rasping; shrill; sullen; suppressed; tempestuous; tied up; vehement; violent
intrépido decisive; firm; resolute; unshakable bold; brisk; courageous; dauntless; fearless; firm; intrepid; morally strong; resolute; undaunted; without fear
muy fuerte decided; decisive; determined; resolute as hard as nails; as hard as rock; deafening; effective; extremely powerful; fierce; heavy; intense; morally strong; of gigantic strength; potent; severe; strong; vehement; very strong; violent
notable decided; decisive; determined; resolute apposite; apt; aristocratic; big; bold; brave; considerable; considerably; conspicuous; courageous; dignified; distinct; distinguished; eminent; enormous; explicit; forceful; generously; glorious; grand; great; heroic; heroical; high-bred; high-placed; high-ranking; high-seated; highly placed; highranking; impressive; large; leading; lofty; majestic; majestically; notable; noteworthy; obvious; outstanding; pompous; princely; prominent; pronounced; remarkable; respectable; robust; sizable; solemnly; stately; striking; substantial; tall; tough; unmistakable; valiant; vast; venerable; worth mentioning
resoluto decided; decisive; determined; resolute determined; firm; resolute; unflinching
resuelto decided; decisive; determined; firm; resolute; unshakable absolutely; bold; brave; brisk; courageous; determined; drastic; energetic; energetically; firm; forceful; heroic; heroical; indeed; morally strong; potent; powerful; purposeful; resolute; robust; stout; strong; sure; tough; unflinching; valiant; vigorous
vigoroso decisive; energetic; lively big; busily engaged; busy; drastic; effective; energetic; engaged; fierce; firm; forceful; great; heavily built; heavy; heavyset; intense; large; massive; morally strong; occupied; potent; powerful; robust; standing-on; staunch; stiff; strapping; strong; tall; tied up; vast; vehement; vigorous; violent
vital decisive; energetic; lively active; cardinal; central; chief; crucial; dynamic; effective; elemental; energetic; essential; fierce; full of life; fundamental; heavy; indispensable; intense; lively; material; potent; principal; vehement; vigorous; violent; vital; wanted

Related Words for "decisive":

Synonyms for "decisive":

Antonyms for "decisive":

Related Definitions for "decisive":

  1. forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis1
  2. determining or having the power to determine an outcome1
    • cast the decisive vote1
    • two factors had a decisive influence1
  3. characterized by decision and firmness1
    • an able and decisive young woman1
    • we needed decisive leadership1
    • she gave him a decisive answer1
  4. unmistakable1
    • had a decisive lead in the polls1

Wiktionary Translations for decisive:

Cross Translation:
decisive decisivo finaaluiteindelijk
decisive decisivo; crucial cruciaal — beslissend, doorslaggevend
decisive decisivo; crucial; determinante entscheidend — folgende Entwicklungen grundlegend bestimmend
decisive definitivo définitif — Qui régler, fixer de manière qu’on n’y devoir plus revenir.