
Detailed Translations for frankest from English to Spanish

frankest form of frank:

frank adj

  1. frank (straight ahead; open; straight on)
  2. frank (sincere; straight; straightforward; )
  3. frank (upright; honest; sincere; )
  4. frank (unprejudiced; candid; open-minded; outspoken; liberal)
  5. frank (unabashed; uninhibited; candid)
  6. frank (approachable; accessible; amenable; open)
  7. frank (explicit; crude; straightforward; )
  8. frank (outspoken; frankly; forthright; )
  9. frank (outspoken; straight; honest; straightforward)
  10. frank (straightforward; straight; open; freely)
  11. frank (openly; frankly; unconcealed)

Translation Matrix for frank:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
claro brightness; clearness; lucidity; luminosity
franco franc
honesto honest person; righteous person; sincere person
honrado honest person; righteous person; sincere person
- dog; frankfurter; hot dog; hotdog; weenie; wiener; wienerwurst
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- postmark
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
abierto accessible; amenable; approachable; blunt; candid; crude; explicit; fair; frank; frankly; honest; liberal; open; open-minded; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; sincere; square; straight; straight ahead; straight on; straightforward; unconcealed; unprejudiced accessible; burst open; courteous; courtly; not closed; open; opened; opened up; polite; public; unlocked
- blunt; candid; forthright; free-spoken; outspoken; plainspoken; point-blank; straight-from-the-shoulder
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- true-hearted
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
abiertamente blunt; crude; explicit; fair; frank; honest; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; sincere; square; straight; straightforward bluntly; clean; contemplative; courteous; courtly; fair; honest; not closed; open; polite; readily
accesible accessible; amenable; approachable; frank; open accessible; achievable; approachable; complaisant; driveable; forward; graciously; obliging; pliable; pliant; realizable; responsive; within reach
claramente blunt; crude; explicit; fair; frank; honest; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; sincere; square; straight; straightforward bluntly; clean; readily
claro blunt; crude; explicit; fair; frank; honest; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; sincere; square; straight; straightforward absolute; actual; acute; apparently; as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; biting; blank; bright; clarifying; clean; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; clever; cloudless; comprehended; comprehensible; cooked; crude; directly; discernible; distinct; done; downright; evident; fathomed; flagrant; genuine; graphic; identifiable; in truth; indeed; intelligible; it's true; keen; light; luminous; manifest; naturally; not dark; obvious; obviously; of course; off colour; pale; plain; pure; real; really; recognisable; recognizable; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; straight; to be sure; transparent; truly; unadulterated; unambiguous; unburdened; unclouded; understandable; understood; unequivocal; unfinished; unmistakable; unmixed; unvarnished; washed out; without doubt
con franqueza blunt; crude; explicit; fair; frank; freely; honest; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; sincere; square; straight; straightforward
con visir abierto frank; frankly; openly; unconcealed
correcto fair; frank; honest; open; sincere; true; upright accurate; aesthetic; after tax; becoming; befitting; blameless; chivalrous; civil; classical; classy; clean; correct; courteous; decent; dignified; elegant; esthetic; fair; faultless; fitting; flawless; glamorous; glamourous; graceful; honest; impeccable; in good style; in good taste; neat; net; nett; perfect; precise; proper; properly; pure; reputable; respectable; right; smart; sophisticated; sporting; straight; stylish; tasteful; tidy; unadulterated; unmixed; virtuous; well aware of; well-mannered; worthy
de mentalidad abierta candid; frank; liberal; open-minded; outspoken; unprejudiced liberal; open minded
decidido candid; frank; unabashed; uninhibited bold; brave; brisk; courageous; decided; decisive; determined; drastic; energetic; energetically; firm; forceful; heroic; heroical; intended; potent; powerful; purposeful; resolute; robust; stout; strong; tough; unflinching; valiant; vigorous
desenvuelto candid; frank; unabashed; uninhibited flashy; fluent; fluently; for free; free; free of charge; gratis; gratuitous; smart; smooth; spruce; streaming
desnudo blunt; forthright; frank; frankly; genially; openly; outright; outspoken; plain; plain-spoken; straight bare; blank; crude; nude; open; outdoor; plain; stark naked; uncovered; unfinished; unvarnished
directamente blunt; crude; explicit; forthright; frank; frankly; genially; openly; outright; outspoken; overt; plain; plain-spoken; square; straight; straightforward
francamente blunt; crude; explicit; fair; frank; freely; honest; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; sincere; square; straight; straightforward absolute; blatant; bluntly; clean; direct; downright; fair; frontal; honest; mean; pedestrian; plain; pure; quite common; readily; sheer; straight; vile
franco candid; fair; frank; honest; liberal; open; open-minded; outspoken; plain; sincere; straight; straight ahead; straight on; straightforward; unprejudiced bare; carriage paid; fair; for free; free; free of charge; freight paid; genuine; gratis; gratuitous; heartfelt; honest; open; prepaid; sincere; uncovered; unhampered; unhindered; unimpeded; unobstructed; upright
honesto fair; frank; honest; open; sincere; true; upright agreeable; becoming; chaste; civil; clean; decent; durable; every inch; fair; fine; genial; genuine; good-natured; great; heartfelt; honest; honorable; honourable; in heart and soul; incorruptible; just; neat; pleasant; proper; reliable; reputable; respectable; right; right-minded; righteous; sincere; solid; sound; sporting; substantial; true-hearted; undiscussed; upright; virtuous; well mannered; worthy
honrado fair; frank; honest; open; sincere; true; upright civil; clean; contemplative; decent; fair; faithful; honest; honorable; honourable; just; loyal; neat; reputable; respectable; right; right-minded; righteous; sincere; sporting; true-hearted; upright; virtuous; worthy
incondicional frank; honest; outspoken; straight; straightforward absolute; absolutely; awfully; certain; certainly; completely; definitely; final; fully; indisputable; outright; positive; sure; terribly; totally; unconditional; undoubted; utter; utterly
ingenuo candid; frank; liberal; open-minded; outspoken; unprejudiced believing; credulous; fair; genuine; gullible; heartfelt; honest; liberal; naive; natural; naïve; open minded; simple; sincere; trustful; trusting; unworldly; upright; wide-eyed
no embellecido blunt; forthright; frank; frankly; genially; openly; outright; outspoken; plain; plain-spoken; straight
puro blunt; forthright; frank; frankly; genially; openly; outright; outspoken; plain; plain-spoken; straight absolute; blank; chaste; clean; crude; downright; fair; genuine; honest; immaculate; impeccable; maidenly; mere; nonsensical; plain; pristine; pure; real; ridiculous; spotless; stainless; straight; unadulterated; unburdened; unfinished; unmixed; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; unvarnished; utter; virginal
sin ambages fair; frank; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward
sin disimulo frank; frankly; openly; unconcealed
sin prejuicios candid; frank; liberal; open-minded; outspoken; unprejudiced liberal; open minded
sin reserva blunt; crude; explicit; fair; frank; honest; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; sincere; square; straight; straightforward
sin rodeos accessible; amenable; approachable; blunt; fair; forthright; frank; frankly; genially; honest; open; openly; outright; outspoken; plain; plain-spoken; sincere; straight; straight ahead; straight on; straightforward bluntly; flatly; straight ahead; straight on; without detours
sin trabas fair; frank; honest; open; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward freely; indefinitely; infinite; unbounded; undisturbed; unhampered; unhindered; unimpeded; uninterrupted; unlimited; unobstructed; unrestricted; vague; vaguely
sincero fair; frank; honest; open; outspoken; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward; true; upright confidential; cordial; cordially; deep; fair; fierce; genuine; heart-felt; heartfelt; heavy; honest; honorable; honourable; intense; intimate; just; private; profound; right; right-minded; righteous; serious; sincere; sporting; straight; true-hearted; upright; vehement; violent; wholehearted
tolerante candid; frank; liberal; open-minded; outspoken; unprejudiced benevolent; broad-minded; forbearing; generous; gentle; good-natured; kind; kind-hearted; lenient; liberal; magnanimous; mild; munificent; noble; open minded; open-handed; permissive; tolerant; unsparing
íntegro fair; frank; honest; open; sincere; true; upright absolutely; awfully; completely; fair; flawless; fresh; fully; honest; incorruptible; maidenly; outright; perfect; pure; terribly; totally; unabbreviated; unabridged; unbroached; uncut; undamaged; undiscussed; unimpaired; unopened; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; unused; upright; utter; utterly; virginal; whole

Related Words for "frank":

Synonyms for "frank":

Related Definitions for "frank":

  1. characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion1
    • tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank1
  2. clearly manifest; evident1
    • frank enjoyment1
  3. a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll1
  4. exempt by means of an official pass or letter, as from customs or other checks1
  5. stamp with a postmark to indicate date and time of mailing1

Wiktionary Translations for frank:

  1. bluntly honest

Cross Translation:
frank franquear frankieren — ein Postwertzeichen auf eine Postsendung kleben
frank franco franc — Libre de ses mouvements et de son action, en opposition au statut d’esclave ou de serf. Telle fut d’ailleurs l’origine du nom de la monnaie dont la création a été liée au recouvrement de la liberté du roi de France, w|Jean II le Bon.
frank franco francunité monétaire utilisée par plusieurs pays.