English to Spanish: more detail...
The word give-and-take exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Spanish.-
Synonyms for "give-and-take":
discussion; word; speech; speech communication; spoken communication; spoken language; language; voice communication; oral communication
banter; raillery; backchat; repartee
interchange; reciprocation; interaction -
Synonyms for "give and take":
Synonyms for "give-and-take":
Detailed Translations for give-and-take from English to Spanish
give-and-take: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- give: dar; entregar; ofrecer; presentar; proporcionar; transmitir; traspasar; hacer entrega; alcanzar; ofertar; presentar una petición; suministrar; avisar; abandonar; imponer; anunciar; declarar; saber; aprender; pagar; permitir; reconocer; ceder; acceder; extender; admitir; atribuir; entrevistar; encuestar; ser de; atender a; cumplir con; acceder a; deber de ser; preguntar la lección; repasar la lección; dividir en lotes; prestar atención a; invitar a salir a una; echar; servir; preferir; verter; prestar; ahorrar; darse; favorecer; privilegiar; dar importancia; obsequiar con; otorgar; regalar; conceder; perdonar; donar; repartir
- and: signo más; y; más
- take: coger; traer; recoger; retirar; separar; ir a buscar; aprovechar; usar; iniciar; emplear; introducir; consumir; ingerir; tomar medicamento; poner; invertir; utilizar; aplicar; apostar; insertar; administrar; jugarse; hacer uso de; tomar en uso; robar; hurtqr; recibir; aceptar; acotar; asumir; tomar posesión de; aceptar relagar; servirse; servirse a sí mismo; sueldo; beneficio; ventaja; provecho; rendimiento; mérito; ganancia; utilidad; conveniencia; ganga; valía; medro; llevar hacia; servirse de; tragar; digerir
Translation Matrix for give-and-take:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | backchat; banter; discussion; interchange; raillery; reciprocation; word |
Synonyms for "give-and-take":
Related Definitions for "give-and-take":
give and take:
Synonyms for "give and take":
Related Definitions for "give and take":
External Machine Translations: