
Detailed Translations for gives from English to Spanish

gives form of give:

to give verb (gives, gave, giving)

  1. to give (hand over; delate; extend; )
  2. to give (pass; hand over; give to; hand)
  3. to give (hand; offer; pass)
  4. to give (provide; dispense; deliver; hand over to)
  5. to give (declare)
  6. to give (allot; assign; allocate; confer; bestow on)
  7. to give (donate)
  8. to give (give a present; grant; bestow; offer)
  9. to give (deliver; bring; supply; )

Conjugations for give:

  1. give
  2. give
  3. gives
  4. give
  5. give
  6. give
simple past
  1. gave
  2. gave
  3. gave
  4. gave
  5. gave
  6. gave
present perfect
  1. have given
  2. have given
  3. has given
  4. have given
  5. have given
  6. have given
past continuous
  1. was giving
  2. were giving
  3. was giving
  4. were giving
  5. were giving
  6. were giving
  1. shall give
  2. will give
  3. will give
  4. shall give
  5. will give
  6. will give
continuous present
  1. am giving
  2. are giving
  3. is giving
  4. are giving
  5. are giving
  6. are giving
  1. be given
  2. be given
  3. be given
  4. be given
  5. be given
  6. be given
  1. give!
  2. let's give!
  3. given
  4. giving
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for give:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
aprender learning; studying
avisar giving notice of; notifying
ceder elongating; stretching out
echar throwing out
pagar fine
regalar give away
saber ability; handiness; skill
servir dishing up; service
suministrar supplying
verter emptying; pouring; pouring out
- spring; springiness
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
abandonar declare; give abandon; cease; crib; depart; depart from; desert; die; dismiss; drop; drop out; enlist; enrol; enroll; expire; get undone; give up; grease; leave; leave for; pass away; pull out; quit; register; retire; rub in; sail; secede from; set out; smear; start; stop; subscribe; take off; travel; unpick; untie; withdraw
acceder allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give accept; add; add to; agree; agree to; agree with; allow; append; arrive; assent to; bore through; come in; concede; confirm; consent to; endorse; enter; feed in; filter in; get in; give in; go in; go inside; go into; grant; hand in; hear; interpellate; interrogate; join; join the traffic; penetrate; permit; pierce; question; subsidise; subsidize; surrender; turn in; yield
acceder a allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give agree with; allow; award; comply with; concede; give in; grant; hear; interpellate; interrogate; permit; question; subsidise; subsidize; yield
admitir allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give accept; acknowledge; admit; allow; allow in; approve; assent to; authorise; authorize; award; comply with; confess; confirm; endorse; grant; hand to; honor; honour; let in; pay; pay off; permit; remunerate; repay; reward; say for; tolerate
ahorrar donate; give allow; bank; collect; cut down; decline; economise; economize; gather together; glean; horde; moderate; pick up; put money in the bank; regress; save; save up; spare; use less; waining
alcanzar give; give to; hand; hand over; pass affect; bear; bring; bring along; bring in; carry; carry along; catch up; catch up with; come up alongside with; concern; end up; gain; get; get through; hit; move; obtain; reach; run in; strike; take in; touch; win
anunciar declare; give advertise; advertize; announce; broadcast; broadcast news report; broadcast the news; declare; decree; divulge something; expound; give notice of; inform; make known; make propaganda; make something public; notify; ordain; order; proclaim; propagandise; propagandize; publish; recruit; remind; send for; send word; solicit; state; subpoena; summon
aprender allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give absorb; acquire; collect; gain; get the hang of; grant; hear; interpellate; interrogate; learn; pick up; practice; practise; question; receive; study; studying; subsidise; subsidize; teach; train
atender a allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give attend; care; comply; grant; hear; heed; interpellate; interrogate; listen; listen carefully; look after; nurse; nurture; obey; question; subsidise; subsidize; take care; take care of; treat
atribuir allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give ascribe; attribute; count to
avisar declare; give announce; communicate; declare; expound; give notice of; impart; inform; intimate; list; make known; make one's opinion known; mention; notify; proclaim; remind; send for; send word; state; subpoena; summon
ceder allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give budge; cede; collapse; deliver; flee; fly; give in; give up; hand over; leave to another; lose ground; make way for; move up; relinquish; renunciate; shove up; stretch; stretch out; surrender; tighten; yield
conceder bestow; deliver; dispense; donate; give; give a present; grant; hand over to; offer; provide admit; allow; assent to; authorise; authorize; concede; confirm; endorse; give one's fiat to; grant; permit; submit to; tolerate
cumplir con allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give allow; award; comply with; cover; cover up; grant; hear; interpellate; interrogate; live up to; question; subsidise; subsidize
dar allocate; allot; assign; bestow; bestow on; confer; delate; deliver; deliver up; dispense; donate; extend; give; give a present; give to; grant; hand; hand over; hand over to; offer; pass; present with; provide administer; allow; distribute; furnish; give along with; grant; hand out; hear; inflict; interpellate; interrogate; pay out; pour in; provide; question; ration; remit; send along with; send with; subsidise; subsidize; supply; swing; turn; veer
dar importancia donate; give
darse donate; give act; allow; perform
deber de ser allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give grant; hear; interpellate; interrogate; question; subsidise; subsidize
declarar declare; give announce; declare; explain; expound; inform; make clear; make explicit; proclaim; report; state; to declare; to decree; to ordain
dividir en lotes allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give
donar bestow; donate; give; give a present; grant; offer allow; give away
echar donate; give add; allow; ban; banish; cast; direct; discard; discharge; disgorge; dismiss; dispel; drain; drive away; drive off; drive out; drop; empty; exile; exorcise; exorcize; expel; fire; fling; guide; heave; hurl; lay off; lead; move house; ostracise; ostracize; point the direction; pour; pour in; pour some more; release; remove; repel; sack; send; sprinkle; throw; throw away; throw out
encuestar allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give grant; hear; interpellate; interrogate; question; subsidise; subsidize
entregar bring; bring around; delate; deliver; deliver up; dispense; donate; extend; furnish; give; give to; hand; hand over; hand over to; offer; pass; present with; provide; send; send round; ship; supply allow; book; bring; bring around; cash; cede; deliver; enlist; enrol; enroll; enter; furnish; give up; hand down; hand in; hand over; inscribe; offer; order; pay; pay out; pay over; present; proffer; provide; put up for shipment; register; send; ship; subscribe; supply; surrender; transfer; turn in; yield
entrevistar allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give have an interview
extender allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give add; add on to; attract attention; be conspicuous; build out; distribute; enlarge; expand; extend; fold out; hand out; increase; increase in number; jut out; leap out; prance; protrude; ration; show off; spread; spread out; stand out; stick out; swell; unfold; widen
favorecer donate; give become; favor; favour; flatter; give preference; privilege; suit
hacer entrega delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with
imponer declare; give assault; charge; command respect; force; insert; insist; inspire with awe; keep on; levy; oblige; persist; press; push on; push through; push trough; urge; use force
invitar a salir a una allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give
obsequiar con donate; give allow; treat
ofertar give; hand; offer; pass display; hand in; hand over; offer; present; proffer; write out
ofrecer delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with bid fair; display; hand in; hand over; offer; present; promise; sacrifice; vow; write out
otorgar bestow; donate; give; give a present; grant; offer allow; authorise; authorize; award; comply with; endow; gift; grant; permit; present
pagar allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give atone for; bear the costs; bring down; cash; come forward with; cough up; deposit; expiate; honor; honour; make even; pay; pay for; pay for one's mistake's; pay off; pay on account; pay out; pay over; pay up; pour; remit; remunerate; repay; reward; send; settle; spend; sprinkle; suffer; take down; transfer; turn out
perdonar bestow; donate; give; give a present; grant; offer allow; apologise; apologize; consider; excuse; forgive; give away; let off; misdeal; pardon; save; spare
permitir allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give accept; agree; agree with; allow; authorise; authorize; concede; enable; give in; grant; let come; let happen; make possible; permit; put up with; submit to; tolerate; yield
preferir donate; give choose; prefer
preguntar la lección allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give
presentar delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with advise; announce; display; exhibit; expose; hand in; hand over; inform; offer; present; prompt; render; show; showcase; suggest; unmask; whisper; whisper in someone's ear; write out
presentar una petición give; hand; offer; pass hand in; hand over; offer; present
prestar donate; give allow; borrow; derive; draw; grant credit; lend; lend out; loan; loan someone something; pawn
prestar atención a allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give attend; listen; listen carefully
privilegiar donate; give favor; favour; give preference; privilege
proporcionar delate; deliver up; donate; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with allow; furnish; pay out; place at someone's disposal; provide; remit; supply
reconocer allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give assent to; confirm; contain; control; endorse; examine; explore; get to know; grant; grasp; hand in; hand to; have an opinion on; hear; hold; hold an opinion on; hold an view on; identify; inspect; interpellate; interrogate; investigate; put new life into; question; realise; realize; recognise; recognize; renew; renovate; restore; revitalise; revitalize; say for; subsidise; subsidize; surrender; survey; turn in; view
regalar bestow; donate; give; give a present; grant; offer allow; give away
repartir allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; bring; bring around; confer; deliver; furnish; give; hand over to; provide; send; send round; ship; supply bring; bring around; classify; confer; deliver; dish out; distribute; dole out; furnish; give out; group; hand out; hand round; itemise; itemize; mail; order

Related Words for "give":

  • giving

Synonyms for "give":

Antonyms for "give":

Related Definitions for "give":

  1. the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length1
  2. proffer (a body part)1
    • She gave her hand to her little sister1
  3. consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man1
    • She gave herself to many men1
  4. occur1
    • what gives?1
  5. estimate the duration or outcome of something1
    • He gave the patient three months to live1
    • I gave him a very good chance at success1
  6. dedicate1
    • give thought to1
    • give priority to1
  7. inflict as a punishment1
    • She gave the boy a good spanking1
    • The judge gave me 10 years1
  8. allow to have or take1
    • I give you two minutes to respond1
  9. guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion1
    • You gave me to think that you agreed with me1
  10. submit for consideration, judgment, or use1
    • give one's opinion1
    • give an excuse1
  11. give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause1
    • give one's talents to a good cause1
  12. offer in good faith1
    • He gave her his word1
  13. manifest or show1
    • This student gives promise of real creativity1
    • The office gave evidence of tampering1
  14. convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture1
    • She gave me a dirty look1
  15. convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow1
    • give the orders1
  16. bestow1
    • give homage1
  17. accord by verdict1
    • give a decision for the plaintiff1
  18. propose1
    • He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party1
  19. give food to1
    • don't give the child this tough meat1
  20. be flexible under stress of physical force1
    • This material doesn't give1
  21. give or supply1
  22. cause to happen or be responsible for1
    • His two singles gave the team the victory1
  23. bring about1
  24. perform for an audience1
    • Pollini is giving another concert in New York1
  25. present to view1
    • He gave the sign to start1
  26. organize or be responsible for1
    • give a course1
  27. move in order to make room for someone for something1
    • The park gave way to a supermarket1
  28. break down, literally or metaphorically1
    • The wall gave in1
    • The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice1
  29. transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody1
    • I gave her my money1
    • can you give me lessons?1
    • She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care1
  30. leave with; give temporarily1
    • Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?1
    • Can I give you the children for the weekend?1
  31. give as a present; make a gift of1
    • What will you give her for her birthday?1
  32. place into the hands or custody of1
  33. convey or reveal information1
  34. transmit (knowledge or skills)1
    • give a secret to the Russians1
  35. contribute to some cause1
    • I gave at the office1
  36. give or convey physically1
    • She gave him First Aid1
    • I gave him a punch in the nose1
  37. give (as medicine)1
    • I gave him the drug1
  38. cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense1
    • She gave him a black eye1
    • The draft gave me a cold1
  39. bestow, especially officially1
    • give a divorce1
  40. be the cause or source of1
    • He gave me a lot of trouble1
  41. endure the loss of1
    • He gave his life for his children1
    • I gave two sons to the war1
  42. afford access to1
    • The French doors give onto a terrace1
  43. deliver in exchange or recompense1
    • I'll give you three books for four CDs1
  44. emit or utter1
    • give a yelp1
  45. execute and deliver1

Wiktionary Translations for give:

  1. transfer the possession of something to someone else

Cross Translation:
give regalar schenken — geven
give entregar; pasar; dar geven — overdragen van het bezit van iets aan iemand anders
give regalar bescheren — zu Weihnachten die Geschenke verteilen
give dar geben — jemandem etwas reichen bzw. in die Nähe oder Hände legen
give chasquear schnalzen — (intransitiv), Dativ: durch eine abrupte, schwungvolle Bewegung - zumeist der Zunge, den Fingern oder einer Peitsche - einen kurzen, (leicht) knallenden Laut erzeugen
give administrar; dar verabreichen — (transitiv): jemandem etwas (eine Substanz) geben, damit dieser es einnimmt (wissentlich oder versehentlich)
give desempeñar versehen — ein Amt/einen Dienst ausführen/ausfüllen
give dar donner — Faire un don ; transférer, sans rétribution, la propriété d’une chose que l’on posséder ou dont on jouir, à une autre personne.
give ofrecer; regalar; ofertar; ofrendar offrirprésenter quelque chose à quelqu’un, souhaiter qu’il l’accepter.

External Machine Translations: