
Detailed Translations for humblest from English to Spanish

humblest form of humble:

Translation Matrix for humble:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
subordinado submissive
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- abase; chagrin; humiliate; mortify
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- base; baseborn; low; lowly; menial; modest; small
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
complaciente amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive a kind manner; accommodating; amicable; amicably; assistent; attentive; benevolent; calm; calmly; collected; complaisant; compliant; composed; flexible; friendly; good-natured; helpful; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; lenient; mild; obliging; peaceful; placid; pliable; quiet; quietly; readiness; ready; restful; serene; servient; silent; simple to operate; still; submissive; tolerant; tractable; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; willing; yielding
de orígen humilde humble; modest; of simple origin; simple
dócil amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive accommodating; complaisant; compliant; docile; domesticated; flexible; house-trained; kneadable; long-enduring; malleable; meek; mouldable; obliging; patient; plastic; pliable; pliant; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; supple; tame; tamed; tolerant; tractable; willing; workable; yielding
dúctil amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive accommodating; complaisant; compliant; docile; domesticated; flexible; house-trained; meek; obliging; plastic; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; supple; tame; tamed; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding
humilde humble; meek; modest; unobtrusive modest
indulgente amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive a kind manner; accommodating; assistent; attentive; calm; charitabel; clement; complaisant; compliant; flexible; forgiving; generous; gentle; gracious; helpful; lenient; liberal; magnanimous; merciful; munificent; noble; obliging; open minded; open-handed; patient; pliable; readiness; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; unsparing; waiting patiently; willing; yielding
modesto humble; modest; of simple origin; simple austere; common; considerate; discreet; feeble; frugal; mediocre; modest; not bad; not very good; ordinarily; ordinary; plain; poor; scanty; simple; sober; unaffected; unassuming; unpretentious
sencillo humble; modest; of simple origin; simple believing; credulous; disabled; easily; easy; effortless; frugal; gullible; handicapped; mean; modest; natural; naïve; not difficult; not hard; pedestrian; quite common; simple; trustful; trusting; unadorned; unaffected; uncomplicated; unmade-up; vile; without make-up
servil fawning; humble; obsequious; servile; slavishly; submissive cringing; fawning; obsequious; servile
simple humble; modest; of simple origin; simple common; easily; easy; effortless; empty-headed; finite; limited; modest; naive; naïve; not difficult; not hard; ordinarily; ordinary; plain; simple; superannuated; unaffected; uncomplicated; wide-eyed
sometido amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive dominated; subjugated
subordinado amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive dominated; inferior; minor; secondary; subjugated; subordinate; useless; valueless; worthless
sujeto a amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive subject to
sumiso amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive calm; docile; domesticated; dominated; house-trained; inferior; meek; minor; modest; obliging; patient; secondary; servient; subjugated; submissive; subordinate; tame; tamed; tractable; waiting patiently; willing

Related Words for "humble":

  • humbleness, humbler, humblest

Synonyms for "humble":

Antonyms for "humble":

Related Definitions for "humble":

  1. of low birth or station (`base' is archaic in this sense)1
    • of humble (or lowly) birth1
  2. marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful1
    • a humble apology1
    • essentially humble...and self-effacing, he achieved the highest formal honors and distinctions1
  3. used of unskilled work (especially domestic work)1
  4. low or inferior in station or quality1
    • a humble cottage1
  5. cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of1
  6. cause to be unpretentious1
    • This experience will humble him1

Wiktionary Translations for humble:

  1. thinking lowly of one's self
  2. near the ground

Cross Translation:
humble humilde nederig — een onderdanige houding aannemend
humble modesto; humilde bescheiden — geen te hoge verwachtingen van zichzelf hebbend
humble humilde; modesto bescheiden — zurückhaltend; seine Erfolge oder sein Können in Erzählungen schmälernd oder nicht erwähnend
humble modesto; humilde bescheiden — einfach, schlicht, unluxuriös
humble humilde demütigunterwürfig, ergeben
humble humillar demütigen — (reflexiv) sich selbst vor jemandem erniedrigen, herabsetzen
humble humilde humble — À trier suivant le sens

External Machine Translations: