English to Spanish: more detail...
on the fence:
The word on the fence exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Spanish.-
Synonyms for "on the fence":
undecided; indecisive
Synonyms for "on the fence":
Detailed Translations for on the fence from English to Spanish
on the fence: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- on: a; por; en
- the: lo; el; la; los; las
- fence: raya; cosecha; valla; disparo; reja; tabique; mampara; chute; empalizada; pared divisoria; enmaderamiento; pared medianera; pequeño tabique; esgrimir; practicar la esgrima; seto; valla de madera; alambrada; abrir; cerrar; levantar; colocar; amanecer; apagar; elaborar; mentir; alzar; definir; depositar; desconectar; enredar; proyectar; camelar; estafar; derrocar; acotar; acorralar; delimitar; desalojar; formular; destituir; perfilar; cercar; mancharse; ensuciarse; apear; timar; destronar; demarcar; embaucar; deslindar; tomar el pelo; amañar; desahuciar; clarecer; clarear; chapucear; amputar; amover; apoyarse en; sablear; frangollar; atrabancar; embarullar; socaliñar; dar salida; agrandarse; chafallar; hacer mal; emporcarse; hacer una mala jugada; dar un sablazo; robar con engaño; pegarle a una persona; encubridor; cerca; trama; verja; definición; tapia; enrejado; pasamanos; tramado; rejería; valla enrejada; barandilla; baranda
on the fence:
Translation Matrix for on the fence:
Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | undecided |
Synonyms for "on the fence":
Related Definitions for "on the fence":
External Machine Translations: