
Detailed Translations for richer from English to Spanish

richer form of rich:

Translation Matrix for rich:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
pesado asshole; bore; creep; duffer; handful; mope; moper; nasty piece of work; nuisance; pain in the ass; pain in the neck; pest; rotter; scoundrel; troublemaker; wet; wet blanket; wretch; wretched fellow
- rich people
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
nadar en la riqueza rich; roll in money; rolling in the dough
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- ample; copious; deep; fat; fertile; full-bodied; plenteous; plentiful; productive; racy; robust
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- abundant; plentiful
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
abundantemente abundant; ample; amply; comprehensive; copious; detailed; elaborate; extensive; lavish; plentifull; rich; wide; widespread en masse; in large numbers
acomodado flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rich; thriving; wealthy; well; well-of prosperous; well-off; well-to-do
copioso abundant; ample; amply; comprehensive; copious; detailed; elaborate; extensive; lavish; plentifull; rich; wide; widespread copiously
en abundante abundant; ample; amply; comprehensive; copious; detailed; elaborate; extensive; lavish; plentifull; rich; wide; widespread ample; lengthy
en forma flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rich; thriving; wealthy; well; well-of fighting fit; fit; healthy; in good health; rosy cheeked; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; thriving; well
floreciente flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rich; thriving; wealthy; well; well-of booming; budding; colored; colorful; coloured; colourful; fit; florid; flourishing; flowered; healthy; high-coloured; in good health; prosperous; thriving; well
pesado filling; heavy; rich aggravating; annoying; boring; burdensome; chubby; complaining; corny; dawdling; deadly dull; drab; dragging; dreadful; dreary; driven; drooping; dull; energetic; exasperating; formidable; heavy; inactive; incriminating; indolent; inert; irritating; lamenting; languid; lazy; limp; lingering; listless; mighty; obese; oppressing; oppressive; passive; plaintive; plump; powerful; shuffling; slow; slow of understanding; sluggish; squat; stout; tardy; tiresome; tough; tremendous; tricky; wailing; woeful; wretched
próspero flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rich; thriving; wealthy; well; well-of auspicious; beneficial; blooming; booming; exultant; fit; flourishing; fortunate; healthy; in good health; lucky; propitious; prospering; prosperous; successful; thriving; well

Related Words for "rich":

Synonyms for "rich":

Antonyms for "rich":

Related Definitions for "rich":

  1. affording an abundant supply1
    • a rich supply1
  2. strong; intense1
    • a rich red1
  3. marked by great fruitfulness1
    • rich soil1
  4. pleasantly full and mellow1
    • a rich tenor voice1
  5. very productive1
    • rich seams of coal1
  6. possessing material wealth1
    • her father is extremely rich1
    • many fond hopes are pinned on rich uncles1
  7. having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources)1
    • blessed with a land rich in minerals1
    • rich in ideas1
    • rich with cultural interest1
  8. suggestive of or characterized by great expense1
    • a rich display1
  9. high in mineral content; having a high proportion of fuel to air1
    • a rich vein of copper1
    • a rich gas mixture1
  10. marked by richness and fullness of flavor1
    • a rich ruby port1
  11. of great worth or quality1
    • a rich collection of antiques1
  12. containing plenty of fat, or eggs, or sugar1
    • rich desserts1
    • they kept gorging on rich foods1
  13. people who have possessions and wealth (considered as a group)1
    • only the very rich benefit from this legislation1

Wiktionary Translations for rich:

  1. having wealth

Cross Translation:
rich copioso; rico; abundante rijkelijk — overvloedig, niet nauw rekenend
rich riquísimo; rico; rica rijk — veel geld en/of eigendommen hebbend
rich rico reich — viele Güter oder Geldmittel besitzend
rich abundante abondant — Qui abonder, qui dépasse nettement en quantité ce qui est suffisant.
rich amplio; abundante; vasto; ancho ample — Qui dépasser en largeur et en longueur la mesure ordinaire.
rich abundante copieux — Qui est abondant, qui est nombreux et disponible.
rich ancho; amplio large — Qualifie un corps considérer dans l’extension qu’il a d’un de ses côtés à l’autre, lorsqu'on parle de sa plus petite longueur, par opposition à long.
rich abundante plantureux — Qui est large, copieux, abondant, profus.
rich acaudalado; acomodado; adinerado; rico riche — qui a beaucoup de fortune

External Machine Translations: