English to French: more detail...
rub salt in the wound:
rub salt in the wound → remuer le couteau dans la plaie
Detailed Translations for rub salt in the wound from English to French
rub salt in the wound: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- salt: avaler; conserver; refouler; confire; décaper; saler; mariner; se dissoudre; foutre le camp; saumurer; mettre en conserve; être dans la saumure; faire des conserves de; mettre dans la saumure; répandre du sel sur; mettre en salaison; loup de mer; salé; saumuré; sel
- in: par; dedans; dans; dessus; y; au-dessus; là; à côté de; sur; en; de; à; après; entre les deux
- the: ce; cela; ça; la; le; les; l'; le la les
- wound: plaie; lésion; blessure; traumatisme; trauma; coupure; entaille; blesser; léser; meurtrir; injurier; blessure de mors
Spelling Suggestions for: rub salt in the wound
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Wiktionary Translations for rub salt in the wound:
rub salt in the wound
to make an injury feel worse
- rub salt in the wound → remuer le couteau dans la plaie
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Related Translations for rub salt in the wound
Suggestions for rub salt in the wound in French
Spelling Suggestions for: rub salt in the wound
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