Detailed Translations for grind down from English to French
grind down: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- grind: écraser; moudre; pulvériser; réduire en pouvre; tailler; affiler; aiguiser; polir; affûter; limer; meuler
- down: duvet; sous; inférieur à; en-dessous de; au-dessaus de; en aval; en descendant; par terre; à terre; vers le bas; tackler; faire un croche-pied à; faire un croche-patte à; dessous; en bas; en dessous; kapok; d'en bas; à la renverse
Spelling Suggestions for: grind down
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grind down:
Translation Matrix for grind down:
Verb | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | tyrannise; tyrannize |
Synonyms for "grind down":
Related Definitions for "grind down":
Wiktionary Translations for grind down:
grind down
détériorer par l’usage.
External Machine Translations:
Related Translations for grind down
Suggestions for grind down in French
Spelling Suggestions for: grind down
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External Machine Translations: