Detailed Translations for bind off from English to French
bind off: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- BIND: BIND; Berkeley Internet Name Domain
- bind: lier; fixer; relier; ligoter; ficeler; bâillonner; garrotter; attacher; nouer; boutonner; taper; colmater; aiguilleter; obturer; calfeutrer; rattacher; attacher ensemble; lier ensemble; attacher l'un à l'autre; piéger; tendre un piège à; attirer dans un piège; mettre ensemble
- off: depuis; de; dès; fait; prêt; cuit; fini; terminé; achevé; effectué; accompli; préparé; faux; fausse; erroné; raté; à côté; malicieux; incorrect; polisson; fripon; inexact; incorrecte; loin; filer le camp; filer le large
bind off:
Translation Matrix for bind off:
Verb | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | tie up |
Synonyms for "bind off":
Related Definitions for "bind off":
External Machine Translations: