
Detailed Translations for gaps from English to French


gaps [the ~] noun

  1. the gaps (interspaces; intervals; spaces)

Translation Matrix for gaps:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
intervalles gaps; interspaces; intervals; spaces intermission; intervals; pauses

Related Words for "gaps":

gaps form of gap:

gap [the ~] noun

  1. the gap (cleft; cavity; interstice; )
    la crevasse; l'encoche
  2. the gap (slot; groove; trench; )
    le sillon; la rainure; la crevasse; la tranchée; la fente; l'entrebâillement; le gouffre; la cannelure; la coupe-feu; le pare-feu; l'entaille; le précipice; le ravin; la gorge
  3. the gap (hiatus; lacuna; blank)
    la lacune; l'hiatus; le vide
  4. the gap (flaw)
    le défaut; le déficit; le manque; l'impuissance; la faiblesse; la sensibilité; la lacune
  5. the gap (interim; interval)
    l'intérim; l'intermittence; la période; l'interligne; le temps; l'intervalle; la pause
  6. the gap (blank; lacuna; hiatus; void)
    la lacune; le vide; le manque; l'hiatus; le défaut
  7. the gap (break; interruption; disruption)
    – an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity 1

Translation Matrix for gap:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
cannelure cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench cartel; carving; furrow; groove; screw thread; thread
coupe-feu cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench firebreak; hacked path
crevasse cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; groove; hole; interstice; notch; opening; saving; slot; split; trench cleft; crack; cracking; cranny; crash; crevice; fissure; flaw; mountain cleaves; opening; recess; space
défaut blank; flaw; gap; hiatus; lacuna; void absence; blunder; defect; deficiency; deficit; disability; error; failing; failure; fault; feebleness; flaw; gas; handicap; hoot; howler; immorality; impediment; imperfection; incorrectness; insufficiency; lack; machine defect; mistake; oversight; scream; shortage; shortcoming; shortfall; sin; slip; vice; want; weakness
déficit flaw; gap deficiency; deficit; famine; insufficiency; lack; loss; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; shortcoming; shortfall; tightness
encoche cavity; cleft; cranny; crevice; cut-away; fissure; gap; gash; hole; interstice; opening; saving cartel; cut; gash; groove; incision; indentation; nick; notch; score; slash
entaille cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench cartel; cut; furrow; gash; groove; incised wound; incision; indentation; knife wound; nick; notch; score; slash; wound
entrebâillement cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench crack; seam
faiblesse flaw; gap defencelessness; defenselessness; fainting fit; feebleness; frailty; impotence; incapacity; lack of energy; languor; lethargy; powerlessness; sensitiveness; slackness; susceptibility; swoon; touchiness; trivial; vulnerability; weak point; weakness
fente cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench crack; cranny; crevice; ditch; fissure; furrow; groove; gully; nicks; notches; opening; recess; scores; slash; slit; space; trench
gorge cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench gullet; narrowness; stringency; throat; throttle; tightness; woman's breast
gouffre cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench abyss; gulf; precipice; whirlpool
hiatus blank; gap; hiatus; lacuna; void
impuissance flaw; gap defencelessness; defenselessness; feebleness; frailty; impotence; incapacity; insolvency; insolvent; powerlessness; weakness
interligne gap; interim; interval cranny; crevice; fissure; interline; line space; opening; recess; space; spacing
intermittence gap; interim; interval break; intermission; interval; pause; recess; rest-break
interruption break; disruption; gap; interruption IRQ; break; congelation; disorder; disturbance; fracture; interference; intermission; interrupt; interrupt request; interruption; intervention; intrusion; lunch; lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time; meddling; obstruction; severance; stoppage; trap; trouble
intervalle gap; interim; interval break; cranny; crevice; fissure; intermission; interval; little while; opening; pause; period of time; recess; rest-break; space; space of time
intérim gap; interim; interval
lacune blank; flaw; gap; hiatus; lacuna; void
manque blank; flaw; gap; hiatus; lacuna; void deficiency; deficit; disability; failure; famine; handicap; impediment; insufficiency; lack; needyness; paucity; physical defect; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; shortcoming; shortfall; tightness; want
pare-feu cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench fender; firebreak; firewall; hacked path; mudguard; security-edge gateway; splash-board
pause gap; interim; interval break; caesura; cranny; crevice; dinnertime; fissure; fracture; incision; intermission; interruption; interval; lunch; lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time; opening; pause; pausing; playtime; recess; relaxation; rest-break; space; time for dinner
précipice cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench
période gap; interim; interval age; development stage; epoch; era; little while; period; period of time; phase; space; space of time; stage; term; time
rainure cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench cartel; carving; furrow; groove; nick; notch; rabbet; runway
ravin cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench abyss; canyon; cleft; cranny; crevice; fissure; gorge; gulf; opening; precipice; ravine; recess; space
sensibilité flaw; gap carnality; compassion; corporality; delicacy; emotion; excitement; feeling; frailty; frankness; impressionability; openness; passion; sensibility; sensitiveness; sensitivity; sentiment; sincerity; susceptibility; touch; touchiness; vulnerability
sillon cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench ditch; facial line; furrow; groove; gully; line; slit; trench; wrinkle
temps gap; interim; interval age; development stage; epoch; era; little while; period; period of time; phase; space of time; stage; state of the weather; time; weather situation
tranchée cleft; fissure; gap; groove; notch; slot; split; trench furrow; groove; trench
vide blank; gap; hiatus; lacuna; void blank; cleft; emptiness; emptyness; hole; hollowness; leak; leakage; nothingness; punch-mark; puncture; vacuum; void
- col; crack; opening; spread
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- breach
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
interligne leading; line spacing
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
temps weather
- narrow gap
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
vide blank; clear; empty; roguish; sly; uncultivated; unmarked; untilled; vacant; vacuous; vacuum

Related Words for "gap":

Synonyms for "gap":

Related Definitions for "gap":

  1. an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity1
    • there was a gap in his account1
  2. a narrow opening1
  3. a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures1
    • gap between income and outgo1
  4. a difference (especially an unfortunate difference) between two opinions or two views or two situations1
  5. a pass between mountain peaks1
  6. an open or empty space in or between things1
    • the explosion made a gap in the wall1
  7. make an opening or gap in1

Wiktionary Translations for gap:

  1. to breach
  2. to notch
  1. vacant space or time
  2. mountain pass
  3. opening allowing passage or entrance
  4. opening made by breaking or parting
  1. électro|fr Bande ne comportant aucun niveau d'énergie pouvant être occupé par l'électron.
  2. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  3. état de ce qui est insuffisant.
  4. Distance d’un lieu à un autre
  5. absence, défaut, fait de manquer.
  6. perte, absence, manque d’un bien, d’un avantage qu’on avait, ou qu’on devait, qu’on pouvait avoir.
  7. Économie.

Cross Translation:
gap joint Fuge — trennender, länglicher, unter Umständen auch aufgefüllter Hohlraum zwischen zwei Objekten, zum Beispiel Backsteinen oder Kacheln
gap abîme; coupure; fossé; cassure; rupture Kluftim übertragenen Sinne: starker Gegensatz, der unüberwindbar scheint
gap lacune LakuneLiteraturwissenschaft: „durch Auslassung in einer Handschrift entstandene Textlücke“Wilpert, Stichwort: „Lacuna“.
gap lacune LakuneMedizin: Vertiefung, Spalte, Bucht an Organen oder Gewebe
gap lacune; vide; trou Lücke — Stelle, an der etwas fehlt, das dort sein sollte
gap trou gat — een tekort of ontbrekend deel
gap col bergpas — een lager

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