
Detailed Translations for peculiarly from English to French


peculiarly adv

  1. peculiarly (remarkably; curiously)

Translation Matrix for peculiarly:

AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- curiously; especially; oddly; particularly; specially
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
curieusement curiously; peculiarly; remarkably strange enough

Related Words for "peculiarly":

Synonyms for "peculiarly":

Related Definitions for "peculiarly":

  1. in a manner differing from the usual or expected1
    • he's behaving rather peculiarly1
  2. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common1
    • under peculiarly tragic circumstances1
  3. uniquely or characteristically1
    • these peculiarly cinematic elements1
    • a peculiarly French phenomenon1

Wiktionary Translations for peculiarly:

peculiarly form of peculiar:

Translation Matrix for peculiar:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
baroque baroque
caractéristique attribute; character; character description; character profile; character trait; characterisation; characteristic; characterization; feature; hallmark; property; quality; trait
dingue character; drip; dud; figure; fool; idiot; jerk; madcap; madman; nutcase; rattle-brain
excentrique odd fellow; queer; strange person; weirdo
fou ass; buffoon; clown; court jester; coxcomb; crazy person; daft; dandy; disturbed person; dumbo; fool; fop; idiot; imbecile; jack pudding; jackanapes; loony; lunatic; mad; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disabled; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; merry Andrew; numbskull; nut; nutcase; prig; rattle-brain; silly man; simple mind; simpleton
singulier singular
sot Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; buffoon; clown; coxcomb; crazy person; dandy; deranged maniac; dimwit; disturbed person; duffer; duffers; dumbo; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; fop; freak; idiot; imbecile; jack pudding; jackanapes; loony; lunatic; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; merry Andrew; nerd; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; nut; oaf; prig; rattle brain; rattle-brain; silly man; simple mind; simpleton; stupid; wacko; weirdo
étranger abroad; alien; foreign country; foreign land; foreigner; outsider; stranger; unknown person
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- curious; funny; odd; particular; queer; rum; rummy; singular; special
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- distinctive; individual; odd; singular; striking
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
baroque bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual baroque; capricious; changeable; fickle; freak; freakish; incalculable; unpredictable; unstable; unsteady; wayward; whimsical
bizarre bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual alien; atypical; eccentric; exceptional; exotic; extremely; foreign; funny; greatly; highly; odd; outlandish; particular; queer; special; strange; ultra
bizarrement bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual atypical; odd; strange
capricieux bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual baroque; capricious; changeable; fickle; freak; freakish; incalculable; unpredictable; unstable; unsteady; wayward; whimsical
caractéristique bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual characteristic; characterizing; conspicuous; defining; distinct; distinctive; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; specifying; striking; typical; unmistakable
curieuse bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual atypical; eager to see; extraordinary; funny; hardly ever; inquisitive; little; odd; phenomenal; prodigious; rare; rarely; seldom; strange; uncommon; unique
curieux bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; queer; strange; unusual alien; apart; atypical; curious; eager to learn; eager to see; exotic; extraordinary; foreign; funny; hardly ever; inquisitive; little; odd; outlandish; phenomenal; prodigious; queer; rare; rarely; seldom; separate; strange; uncommon; unique
d'une manière baroque bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual
dingue bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual alien; atypical; bonkered; bonkers; cracked; crackers; crazy; daft; exotic; foolish; foreign; funny; idiotic; insane; loony; mad; madly; mixed up; muzzy; nuts; odd; outlandish; potty; queer; ridiculous; round the bend; silly; stark mad; stark raving mad; stark staring mad; strange; stupid; weird
drôle bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual alien; amusing; appealing; arch; atypical; clownish; comic; comical; congenial; cute; droll; easy going; endearing; engaging; exotic; farcical; foreign; funny; good; hilarious; humoristic; humorous; humourous; likable; lovely; mischievous; nice; odd; outlandish; pleasant; queer; rascally; roguish; strange; sympathetic; waggish; winsome
excentrique bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual alien; eccentric; exceptional; exotic; extremely; foreign; funny; greatly; highly; odd; outlandish; particular; queer; special; strange; ultra
fantasque bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual baroque; capricious; changeable; fickle; freak; freakish; incalculable; unpredictable; unstable; unsteady; wayward; whimsical
fou bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual atypical; bonkers; cracked; crackers; crazy; daft; enormously; fantastic; foolish; funny; idiot; idiotic; insane; irrational; keen; loony; lunatic; mad; madly; marvellous; marvelous; mentally disturbed; mentally ill; mixed up; muzzy; nuts; odd; potty; ridiculous; round the bend; senseless; silly; stark mad; stark raving mad; stark staring mad; strange; stupid; terrific; unwise; weird
particulier bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual apart; atypical; characteristic; conspicuous; distinct; distinctive; eccentric; exceptional; excessive; exeptional; explicit; extreme; extremely; greatly; highly; individual; notable; obvious; odd; on its own; outstanding; particular; pronounced; remarkable; separate; special; specific; strange; striking; typical; ultra; unmistakable; unusual
particulièrement bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual atypical; conspicuous; distinct; excessive; exeptional; explicit; extreme; notable; obvious; odd; outstanding; particularly; pronounced; remarkable; strange; striking; unmistakable; unusual
représentatif bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual characteristic; characterizing; conspicuous; defining; distinct; distinctive; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; representative; representing; specifying; striking; typical; unmistakable
singulier bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; queer; strange; unusual alien; amazing; apart; astonishing; astounding; atypical; easy; excessive; exclusive; exeptional; exotic; exquisite; extraordinary; extreme; foreign; funny; hardly ever; incomparable; inimitable; isolated; little; marvellous; marvelous; miraculous; odd; on its own; once in a life time; once only; one and only; outlandish; phenomenal; prodigious; queer; rare; rarely; scarce; seldom; separate; simple; sole; special; startling; strange; surprising; the one and only; uncommon; uncomplicated; unique; unparalleled; unusual; wonderful; wondrous
singulière bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual atypical; excessive; exeptional; extreme; odd; strange; unusual
singulièrement bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual alien; amazing; apart; astonishing; astounding; excessive; exeptional; exotic; extreme; foreign; funny; marvellous; marvelous; miraculous; odd; outlandish; queer; separate; startling; strange; surprising; unusual; wonderful
sot bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual absurd; atypical; comic; comical; crazy; daft; droll; empty-headed; farcical; foolish; funny; hilarious; humorous; humourous; idiot; idiotic; insane; irrational; laughable; loony; ludicrous; lunatic; mad; mentally disturbed; mentally ill; mixed up; muzzy; nuts; odd; potty; ridicule; ridiculous; senseless; silly; stark mad; stark raving mad; stark staring mad; strange; stupid; unwise; weird
spécial bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual eccentric; exceptional; excessive; exclusive; exeptional; exquisite; extreme; extremely; fabulous; fantastic; great; greatly; highly; incomparable; inimitable; isolated; marvellous; marvelous; on its own; once in a life time; one and only; particular; separate; sole; special; the one and only; ultra; unique; unparalleled; unusual; wild; wonderful
spécifique bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual characteristic; conspicuous; distinct; distinctive; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; specific; striking; typical; unmistakable
typique bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual alien; characteristic; characterizing; conspicuous; defining; describing; distinct; distinctive; eccentric; exotic; explicit; foreign; funny; notable; obvious; odd; outlandish; outstanding; pronounced; queer; remarkable; specifying; strange; striking; typical; unmistakable
typiquement bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual characteristic; conspicuous; distinct; distinctive; explicit; notable; obvious; outstanding; pronounced; remarkable; striking; typical; unmistakable
à part bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual apart; aside; barring; but; distinctive; except; except for; excepting; exclusive; exclusive of; exquisite; incomparable; inimitable; isolated; on its own; once in a life time; one and only; outside of; particular; save; separate; separated; sideward; sidewards; sideways; sole; special; subject to; taken apart; the one and only; to one side; to the exclusion of; unique; unparalleled; with the exception of
étrange bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; queer; strange; unusual alien; atypical; exotic; extraordinary; foreign; funny; hardly ever; little; odd; outlandish; phenomenal; prodigious; queer; rare; rarely; seldom; strange

Related Words for "peculiar":

Synonyms for "peculiar":

Related Definitions for "peculiar":

  1. characteristic of one only; distinctive or special1
    • the peculiar character of the Government of the U.S.1
  2. markedly different from the usual1
    • a peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats1
    • a man...feels it a peculiar insult to be taunted with cowardice by a woman1
  3. beyond or deviating from the usual or expected1
    • the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves1
  4. unique or specific to a person or thing or category1
    • a peculiar bond of sympathy between them1
    • an expression peculiar to Canadians1
    • rights peculiar to the rich1

Wiktionary Translations for peculiar:

  1. out of the ordinary
  2. common or usual for a particular place or circumstance
  1. Comique, marrant, rigolo. (Sens général).
  2. Qui est différent ou particulier, qui ne ressembler pas aux autres.
  3. Qui est en dehors de l’ordre, de l’usage commun ; qui est singulier, extraordinaire.

Cross Translation:
peculiar curieux typisch — vreemd, eigenaardig
peculiar bizarre; curieuse; curieux; singulière; singulier; étrange; tordu; tordue andersNamibia, Südwesterdeutsch (adjektivischer Gebrauch) seltsam, sonderbar, komisch
peculiar bizarre; particulier; singulière; singulier; particulière eigenartig — besonders in seiner Art, vom Standard abweichend
peculiar bizarre; cocasse skurril — auffallend und unkonventionell, seltsam
peculiar étrange sonderbar — sich im Vergleich abhebend, einen unterschiedlichen Charakter besitzend, durch Absonderung entstanden oder entstehend (häufig mit der Tendenz zum Außergewöhnlichen, zum Komischen, zum Skurrilen)

External Machine Translations: