
Detailed Translations for rightest from English to French

rightest form of right:

right adj

  1. right (correct; accurate; precise)
  2. right (correct)
  3. right
  4. right (true; truethfull; precise; exact)
  5. right (agree; correct; fine; good)
  6. right (just now; a moment ago)
  7. right (fair; sporting)
  8. right (appropriate; suitable; applicable; )

right [the ~] noun

  1. the right (justice; righteousness)
    le droit; la justice; l'équité
  2. the right
    la raison; le droit

right adv

  1. right (right turn; to the right)

Translation Matrix for right:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bien asset; assets; commodities; ownership; possession; property
bon coupon; gift coupon; gift token; gift voucher; token; voucher
droit justice; right; righteousness claim; demand; jurisprudence; justness; legal ground; legal title; ownership; rightness; soundness; title
franc franc
juste honest person; just person; righteous person; sincere person
justice justice; right; righteousness administration of justice; court; court of justice; court of law; fairness; judiciousness; jurisdiction; jurisprudence; justice; law court; moderation; propriety; reasonableness; seemliness; suitability; tribunal
parfait ice; ice cream; ice creams; ice-creams
raison right apparition; brainpower; cause; fairness; frame of mind; genius; ghost; ghostly apparition; humor; humour; immediate cause; intellect; intellectual powers; intelligence; judiciousness; mental capacity; moderation; mood; motive; phantom; propriety; reason; reasonableness; seemliness; sense; specter; spectre; spook; suitability; temper; thought; wisdom
équité justice; right; righteousness fairness; judiciousness; justice; legality; moderation; propriety; reasonableness; seemliness; suitability
- right field; right hand; right wing; rightfield; rightfulness
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- compensate; correct; rectify; redress
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- correct; good; proper; right-hand; ripe; veracious
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- aright; correctly; decent; decently; flop; in good order; justly; mightily; mighty; powerful; properly; right on; the right way
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
d'accord O.K.; allright; alright; done; it's a deal; you're on
- rightly
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
adéquat applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; fitting; relevant; right; suitable adequate; effective; efficient; fit; proper; suitable
approprié accurate; applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; correct; fitting; precise; relevant; right; suitable adequate; applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; becoming; befitting; effective; efficient; fair; fit; fitting; moderate; proper; reasonable; relevant; suitable
avec application accurate; correct; precise; right ardent; assiduous; careful; considerate; diligent; furious; indefatigable; industrious; mad; practiced; practised; sedulous; tireless; with attention; with care; zealous
avec justice fair; right; sporting
avec raison fair; right; sporting decent; fair; moderate; neat; proper; reasonable; respectable
avec équité fair; right; sporting decent; neat; proper; respectable
bien agree; correct; fine; good; right appealing; appetising; appetizing; beautiful; by far; cleaned; cleansed; congenial; delicious; delightful; easily; endearing; engaging; exquisite; good; handsome; heavenly; highly; honest; likable; nice; palatable; pretty; rather; scrumptious; sympathetic; tasty; tidied; very; very tasteful; well-behaved; winsome; yummy
bon agree; correct; fine; good; right able; agreeable; appetising; appetizing; benevolent; capable; competent; considerate; delicious; delightful; effective; efficient; exquisite; fine; fit; genial; good; good-natured; great; heavenly; honest; honorable; honourable; just; kind; kind-hearted; mild; palatable; pleasant; proficient; proper; qualified; right-minded; righteous; scrumptious; sincere; skilled; suitable; tasty; true-hearted; upright; very tasteful; yummy
convenable applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; fitting; relevant; right; suitable adequate; agreeable; aristocratic; as it should be; becoming; befitting; benevolent; chivalrous; civil; clean; courteous; decent; dignified; distinguished; effective; efficient; elegant; eminent; fair; fine; fit; fitting; genial; good-natured; graceful; grand; great; high-bred; honest; kind; lofty; majestic; majestically; mild; moderate; neat; passable; pleasant; pompous; prominent; proper; properly; readily; reasonable; refined; reputable; respectable; seemly; solemnly; sophisticated; stylish; suitable; suitably; tolerable; virtuous; well-mannered; willingly; worthy
convenablement applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; fitting; relevant; right; suitable aristocratic; as it should be; becoming; befitting; civil; clean; decent; distinguished; eminent; fair; fitting; grand; high-bred; honest; lofty; majestic; majestically; moderate; neat; pompous; prominent; proper; properly; reasonable; reputable; respectable; seemly; solemnly; suitable; suitably; tolerable; virtuous; worthy
corect exact; precise; right; true; truethfull
correct accurate; correct; precise; right as it should be; becoming; befitting; blameless; chivalrous; civil; clean; correct; courteous; decent; dignified; exactly; fair; faultless; fitting; flawless; honest; honorable; honourable; impeccable; infallible; just; neat; perfect; proper; properly; reasonable; reputable; respectable; suitably; tolerable; virtuous; well-mannered; worthy
correctement accurate; correct; precise; right exactly; just
d'accord agree; correct; fine; good; right
de bonne foi fair; right; sporting decent; fair; frank; genuine; honest; neat; open; proper; respectable; serious; sincere; straight; true; upright
de droite right
de jeu fair; right; sporting
droit bolt upright; cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; dead straight; direct; erect; fair; frank; frontal; gruff; grumpy; honest; honorable; honourable; just; nagging; open; perpendicular; right-minded; righteous; rigid; sincere; straight; sullen; surly; true; true-hearted; upright
droitier right right-handed
en règle agree; correct; fine; good; right lawful; legitimate; on legitimate grounds; valid
exact accurate; correct; exact; precise; right; true; truethfull accurate; accurately; binding; careful; cautious; conscientious; conservative; detailed; emphatic; exact; exactly; exhaustive; explicit; filmy; in detail; just; meticulous; minutely; painstaking; precise; precisely; punctual; scrupulous; stringent; with emphasis
exactement accurate; correct; precise; right accurate; accurately; binding; careful; closely; conscientious; detailed; exact; exactly; exhaustive; filmy; in detail; just; meticulous; minutely; painstaking; precise; precisely; scrupulous; sharply; stringent
fair-play fair; right; sporting
franc fair; right; sporting accessible; amenable; approachable; blunt; bold; candid; crude; decent; direct; explicit; fair; forthright; frank; frankly; frontal; genially; genuine; heartfelt; honest; liberal; neat; open; open-minded; openly; outright; outspoken; overt; plain; plain-spoken; proper; respectable; serious; sincere; square; straight; straight ahead; straight on; straightforward; true; unabashed; unconcealed; uninhibited; unprejudiced; upright; veritable
franchement fair; right; sporting blatant; blunt; bold; candid; crude; decent; direct; downright; explicit; fair; forthright; frank; frankly; freely; frontal; genially; genuine; heartfelt; honest; neat; open; openly; outright; outspoken; overt; plain; plain-spoken; proper; respectable; sheer; sincere; square; straight; straightforward; true; unabashed; unconcealed; uninhibited; upright; veritable
honnête fair; right; sporting agreeable; benevolent; blunt; chaste; crude; decent; explicit; fair; fine; frank; genial; genuine; good; good-natured; great; heartfelt; honest; honorable; honourable; just; kind; mild; neat; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; pleasant; proper; reliable; respectable; right-minded; righteous; serious; sincere; solid; sound; square; straight; straightforward; true; true-hearted; upright; well-behaved
honnêtement fair; right; sporting blunt; chaste; crude; decent; explicit; fair; frank; genuine; heartfelt; honest; neat; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; proper; respectable; sincere; square; straight; straightforward; true; upright
juste accurate; correct; exact; fair; precise; right; sporting; true; truethfull actually; cantankerous; careful; certainly; close; closely; concentrated; convincing; crabbed; crusty; definitely; even; exactly; factually; genuinely; gruff; grumpy; honest; honorable; honourable; incorruptible; indeed; intently; just; lawful; legitimate; nagging; narrowly; one minute ago; only; really; reasonable; right-minded; righteous; rigid; sincere; solid; sound; strenuous; sullen; surely; surly; thorough; tight; true-hearted; truthfully; undiscussed; upright; valid; with concentration
justement exact; precise; right; true; truethfull correctly; exactly; just; justly
loyal fair; right; sporting fair; faithful; genuine; heartfelt; honest; law-abiding; loyal; sincere; straight; upright
légitime fair; right; sporting authorised; authorized; competent; convincing; entitled; granted the right; honest; honorable; honourable; just; justified; lawful; legal; legitimate; on legitimate grounds; reasonable; right-minded; righteous; rightful; sincere; skilled; solid; sound; true-hearted; upright; valid; valid in law; warranted
minutieuse accurate; correct; precise; right accurate; accurately; careful; detailed; exact; exhaustive; in detail; meticulous; painstaking; precise; precisely; scrupulous; stringent
minutieusement accurate; correct; precise; right accurate; accurately; binding; careful; cautious; closely; conscientious; conservative; detailed; exact; exactly; exhaustive; filmy; in detail; meticulous; minutely; painstaking; precise; precisely; scrupulous; sharply; stringent
minutieux accurate; correct; precise; right accurate; accurately; binding; careful; cautious; conscientious; conservative; detailed; exact; exactly; exhaustive; filmy; in detail; meticulous; minutely; painstaking; precise; precisely; scrupulous; stringent
parfait agree; correct; fine; good; right actually; certainly; choice; consummate; definitely; excellent; factually; first-class; first-rate; flawless; genuinely; grand; grandiose; great; ideal; indeed; natty; perfect; posh; proficient; really; slick; smart; spick and span; sublime; superb; surely; swell; terrific; thorough; tip-top; tiptop; top-notch; truthfully; undamaged; untainted; whole
précis accurate; correct; precise; right accurate; accurately; binding; boxed; careful; cautious; conscientious; conservative; detailed; emphatic; encirkled; exact; exactly; exhaustive; explicit; filmy; in detail; just; meticulous; minutely; outlined; painstaking; precise; precisely; punctual; scrupulous

Related Words for "right":

Synonyms for "right":

Antonyms for "right":

Related Definitions for "right":

  1. precisely accurate1
  2. appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs1
    • the right man for the job1
  3. free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth1
    • the right answer1
    • took the right road1
    • the right decision1
  4. correct in opinion or judgment1
    • time proved him right1
  5. most suitable or right for a particular purpose1
    • the right time to act1
  6. (of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward1
    • the right side of the cloth showed the pattern1
    • be sure your shirt is right side out1
  7. having the axis perpendicular to the base1
    • a right angle1
  8. socially right or correct1
    • it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye1
  9. in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure1
    • what's the right word for this?1
    • the right way to open oysters1
  10. intended for the right hand1
  11. of or belonging to the political or intellectual right1
  12. being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north1
    • my right hand1
    • right center field1
    • a right-hand turn1
    • the right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream1
  13. in conformance with justice or law or morality1
    • do the right thing and confess1
  14. in or into a satisfactory condition1
    • things are right again now1
    • put things right1
  15. (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree1
    • they have a right nice place1
  16. exactly1
  17. immediately1
    • she called right after dinner1
  18. an interjection expressing agreement1
  19. in the right manner1
  20. in an accurate manner1
    • he guessed right1
  21. precisely, exactly1
    • stand right here!1
  22. completely1
    • she felt right at home1
    • he fell right into the trap1
  23. in accordance with moral or social standards1
    • that serves him right1
    • do right by him1
  24. toward or on the right; also used figuratively1
    • he looked right and left1
    • the party has moved right1
  25. a turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east1
    • take a right at the corner1
  26. the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's right1
  27. anything in accord with principles of justice1
    • he feels he is in the right1
  28. an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature1
    • Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people1
    • a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away1
  29. the hand that is on the right side of the body1
    • hit him with quick rights to the body1
  30. those who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged1
  31. location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east1
    • he stood on the right1
  32. (frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing1
    • mineral rights1
    • film rights1
  33. make right or correct1
  34. regain an upright or proper position1
    • The capsized boat righted again1
  35. put in or restore to an upright position1
    • They righted the sailboat that had capsized1
  36. make reparations or amends for1
    • right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust1

Wiktionary Translations for right:

  1. straight, not bent
  2. complying with justice, correct
  3. of direction
  4. conservative
  1. on the right side
  2. towards the right side
  1. checking agreement
    • rightnon; n'est-ce pas; hein
  1. legal or moral entitlement
  2. right, not left, side
  3. right-wing politicians and parties
  1. to correct
  2. to set upright
  3. (intransitive) to return to normal upright position
  1. Qui est approprier, qui convient à quelqu’un ou à quelque chose.
  2. Qui est du côté opposé à celui de son cœur (en supposant que son cœur est du même côté que pour la majorité des être humain), ou encore du côté de celui de la main qui sert à écrire chez la majorité (dans le cas où on parle de soi, car on utilise cet adjectif en adoptant le point de vue de la
  3. Qui suivre rigoureusement la vérité, la convention.
  4. Exact
  5. géométrie|fr Se dit d’un triangle qui a un angle droit.
  6. Qui est conforme à la vérité, à ce qui est réellement.
  1. philosophie|fr fondement des règles, des codes, qui régissent les rapports des hommes dans la société.
  2. côté droit.
  3. précisément
  1. -

Cross Translation:
right droite; droit rechts — tegenovergestelde van links
right droit recht — het geheel van rechtsregels en instituties van het recht
right droit; faculté; prétention RechtRecht im subjektiven Sinn: Befugnis einer Person, etwas zu tun oder zu unterlassen, die sich aus dem Recht im objektiven Sinn ableiten lässt
right droit Rechtohne Plural: ein Anspruch, der nach dem Rechtsempfinden der Menschen und der Rechtsordnung gerecht und richtig ist
right droite RechteSport, Boxen: ein Schlag, ein Treffer mit der rechten Hand
right droite RechtePolitik: konservative Partei
right main droite; droite; dextre Rechte — die rechte Hand
right → n'est-ce pas; hein gellsüddeutsch, österreichisch, schweizerdeutsch, auch elsässisch (umgangssprachlich): nicht wahr? Eine die Satzaussage verstärkende Partikel, die sowohl in Aussage- als auch in Frage- oder Aufforderungssätzen verwendet werden kann; mitunter auch für Sachverhalte verwendet, die für den Sprecher oder den Angesprochenen
right droit rechtnur attributiv, also mit einer Deklinationsendung; keine Steigerung: zu der Seite gehörig, auf der die meisten Menschen das Herz nicht haben
right droit rechts — die gegensätzliche Richtung/ Seite zu links. Dieser Pfeil \rightarrow \! zeigt nach rechts
right droit rechts — die politisch konservative Richtung charakterisierend
right exact; vrai; juste richtigwahr, nicht falsch
right droit AnrechtBerechtigung, eine Sache zu erwerben oder in Anspruch zu nehmen