Detailed Translations for from where from English to Dutch
from where:
from where (of which; of whom; from which; where from; which from; from what; of what; wherever from; from wherever; whatever from; what of; from whatever)
from where (whence)
from where (from which; where from; wherever from)
from where (between which; from which; where from; wherever from; from wherever)
waartussen adv
Translation Matrix for from where:
Adverb | Related Translations | Other Translations |
vanwaar | from where; whence | |
waartussen | between which; from where; from wherever; from which; where from; wherever from | |
waarvan | from what; from whatever; from where; from wherever; from which; of what; of which; of whom; what of; whatever from; where from; wherever from; which from | |
waarvandaan | from where; from which; whence; where from; wherever from |