English to Dutch: more detail...
The word head-in-the-clouds exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Dutch.-
Synonyms for "head-in-the-clouds":
flighty; flyaway; scatterbrained; frivolous
Synonyms for "head-in-the-clouds":
Detailed Translations for head-in-the-clouds from English to Dutch
head-in-the-clouds: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- head: hoofd; bol; hoofd van een mens; baas; chef; voorman; werkbaas; kop; kopzin; hoofdeinde; opperhoofd; stamhoofd; hoofdleider; hoofdman; krop; opeengepakte bladeren; knotten
- in: te; in; bij; erbij; erop; aan; ten; ten tijde van; tussenbeide
- the: het; de
- cloud: wolk; vertroebelen; troebel maken; peer-to-peergrafiek; mesh; cloud; peer mesh
- clouds: wolken; bewolking
Translation Matrix for head-in-the-clouds:
Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | flighty; flyaway; scatterbrained |