English to Dutch: more detail...
in small stages:
The word in small stages exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Dutch.-
Synonyms for "in small stages":
bit-by-bit; piecemeal; step-by-step; stepwise; gradual
Synonyms for "in small stages":
Detailed Translations for in small stages from English to Dutch
in small stages: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- in: te; in; bij; erbij; erop; aan; ten; ten tijde van; tussenbeide
- small: klein; ondermaats; van geringe afmeting; eng; smal; nauw; smalletjes; van geringe breedte; weinig; minimaal; gering; minste; miniem; luttel; in geringe mate
- stage: toneel; podium; toneelpodium; fase; stadium; ontwikkelingsfase; ontwikkelingsstadium; ensceneren; in scene zetten; etappe; parcoursetappe; huichelen; faseren; schouwtoneel; toneelwezen; werkstroomfase
in small stages:
Translation Matrix for in small stages:
Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | bit-by-bit; piecemeal; step-by-step; stepwise |