English to Swedish: more detail...
- back:
- back → backa, backa upp
- back → back, rygg, bakände, slut, baksida
- back → tillbaka
- back → rygg, baksäte, baksida, avigsida, kors, back, belägga, tillbaka, stödja, stöd, ryggstöd, ryggbräda, stolskarm, behålla, förvara, konservera, beskydda, freda, skydda, värja, värna, vakta, betäcka, hölja, skyla, täcka, övertäcka, tacka ja till, tapetsera
Detailed Translations for backed from English to Swedish
Synonyms for "backed":
Antonyms for "backed":
Related Definitions for "backed":
backed form of back:
the back (back of a chair; back side)
the back (rear side; reverse)
the back
back (backwards; return; reverse)
back (again; once again; once more; a second time)
back (formerly; in former times; earlier; previously; in bygone days; before; since)
to back (protect)
to back (help; assist; attend; be attentive; extend the hand; be helpful; back up; aid; prop up; make oneself useful; second; do good)
to back (finance; support)
Conjugations for back:
- back
- back
- backs
- back
- back
- back
simple past
- backed
- backed
- backed
- backed
- backed
- backed
present perfect
- have backed
- have backed
- has backed
- have backed
- have backed
- have backed
past continuous
- was backing
- were backing
- was backing
- were backing
- were backing
- were backing
- shall back
- will back
- will back
- shall back
- will back
- will back
continuous present
- am backing
- are backing
- is backing
- are backing
- are backing
- are backing
- be backed
- be backed
- be backed
- be backed
- be backed
- be backed
- back!
- let's back!
- backed
- backing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they
back (hind)
back (wrong side; reverse)
back (reverse)
back (backwards)
Translation Matrix for back:
Related Words for "back":
Synonyms for "back":
Antonyms for "back":
Related Definitions for "back":
Wiktionary Translations for back:
Cross Translation:
a position behind most players on the team
- back → back
the backrest, the part of a piece of furniture which receives the human back
- back → rygg
the edge of a book which is bound
- back → rygg
the part of something that goes last
- back → bakände
that which is farthest away from the front
the reverse side
- back → baksida
the rear of body
- back → rygg
to or in a previous condition or place
- back → tillbaka
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• back | → rygg | ↔ rug — zijde van de romp tegenover de buik en borst gelegen |
• back | → baksäte | ↔ Fond — Im Automobil: Der Wageninnenraum hinter den Fahrersitzen. |
• back | → baksida | ↔ Kehrseite — Entgegengesetztes |
• back | → baksida | ↔ Kehrseite — die abgewandte, hintere Ansicht (z.B. eines Körpers) |
• back | → baksida; avigsida | ↔ Kehrseite — die andere, negative Seite einer Sache oder Angelegenheit |
• back | → kors | ↔ Kreuz — umgangssprachlich: Bereich des Rückens |
• back | → rygg | ↔ Rücken — Anatomie: die hintere Seite des Rumpfes |
• back | → back | ↔ Verteidiger — Sport, Fußball: defensiv eingestellter Spieler, dessen Aufgabe es ist, das gegnerische Spiel zu stören, um anschließend das eigene Spiel wieder aufbauen zu können |
• back | → belägga | ↔ belegen — etwas belegen: den Beweis für etwas erbringen |
• back | → tillbaka | ↔ zurück — wieder zu einem (auch fiktiven) Ausgangspunkt |
• back | → stödja | ↔ accoter — appuyer d’un côté pour soutenir. |
• back | → stöd | ↔ appui — Ce qui sert à soutenir une chose ou une personne pour l’empêcher de tomber, de chanceler, etc. |
• back | → stödja | ↔ appuyer — placer contre quelque chose. |
• back | → rygg | ↔ dos — anatomie|fr Partie du corps humain située au-dessus du postérieur, depuis le cou jusqu’aux reins. |
• back | → ryggstöd; ryggbräda; stolskarm | ↔ dossier — Dos d’un siège |
• back | → behålla; förvara; konservera | ↔ maintenir — tenir ferme et fixe. |
• back | → beskydda; freda; skydda; värja; värna; vakta | ↔ protéger — prendre la défense de quelqu’un, de quelque chose ; prêter secours et appui. |
• back | → betäcka; hölja; skyla; täcka; övertäcka | ↔ recouvrir — Couvrir de nouveau. (Sens général) |
• back | → tacka ja till | ↔ revêtir — pourvoir de vêtements quelqu’un qui en a besoin. |
• back | → tapetsera | ↔ tapisser — revêtir, orner de tapisserie les murailles d’une salle, d’une chambre, etc. note Se dit en parlant de la salle, de la pièce ou en parlant des choses qui les couvrent ou les tapissent. |
External Machine Translations: