English to Swedish: more detail...
cubage unit:
The word cubage unit exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Swedish.-
Synonyms for "cubage unit":
volume unit; capacity unit; capacity measure; cubic measure; cubic content unit; displacement unit; cubature unit; unit of measurement; unit
Synonyms for "cubage unit":
Detailed Translations for cubage unit from English to Swedish
cubage unit: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- cub: unge
- age: ålder; period; era; epok; tidsålder; livslängd; livstid; tidsräkning; mogna; åldras; bli vuxen; växa till sig; tidevarv; åldra; åldersfördela
- unit: likhet; enformighet; enhet; ental; entalsform; truppförband
cubage unit:
Translation Matrix for cubage unit:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | capacity measure; capacity unit; cubature unit; cubic content unit; cubic measure; displacement unit; volume unit |