English to Swedish: more detail...
executable file:
The word executable file exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Swedish.
Detailed Translations for executable file from English to Swedish
executable file: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- executable: utförbar
- execute: utföra; avrätta; verkställa dödsdom; executera; fullgöra; köra; effektuera; exekvera
- File: Arkiv
- file: pärm; mapp; arkiv; file; dossié; spara; ordna; förvara; arkivera; fila; fil; rad; räcka; led; förteckning; register; länga; rote; samlingspärm; aktsamling; dokumentsamling; dossier
executable file:
Translation Matrix for executable file:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | executable |
Related Definitions for "executable file":
External Machine Translations: