Detailed Translations for inclinado a from Spanish to English
inclinado a: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- inclinado: steep; oblique; sloping; leaning; lopsided; slanting; askew; willing; sympathetic; being inclined to; smooth; cunning; bald; sleek; smoothly; obscene; slippery; immoral; icy; slithery; lack of moral; inclined; ready; disposed
- inclinar: lean; tip; angle; slant; tilt; lean forward; hang forward
- inclinarse: slope; slant; lean over; tend to; tend; bow; incline; arch; curve; shelve; sloping; slanting; curtsy; hang over; be inclined; lean forward; stand forwards; dive down
- a: to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; for; towards; due to; because of; on account of; owing to; about; approximately; round
- atracarse: erode; attack; corrode; eat into; bite into; eat; consume; cram; eat up; gulp down