Detailed Translations for chicoria from Spanish to English
chicoria: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- chico: youth; guy; lad; rascal; scamp; naughty boy; inferior; short; inadequate; small; little; tiny; diminutive; minuscule; middling; low-grade; shortish; undersized; fellow; man; type; mister; bloke; chap; cove; gent; infant; child; lass; little girl; little child; toddler; baby; tot; nipper; kiddy; tyke; small child; small one; tiny tot; tike; baby boy; male; kid; sonny; little boy; little kid; little chap
- RIA: RIA; rich Internet application
- riña: stir; hassle; fuss; arguing; bustle; commotion; din; scolding; bickering; wrangling; hubbub; quarreling; quarrelling; chicanery; squabbling; trouble making; brawl; quibbling; argy-bargy; hubble-bubble; free-for-all
- ría: tidal river
Spelling Suggestions for: chicoria
Synonyms for "chicoria":
Wiktionary Translations for chicoria:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• chicoria | → chicory | ↔ koffiecichorei — plantkunde|nld voeding|nld groente|nld species|Cichorium intybus een of meer samengestelde lintbloemige planten van de soort Cichorium intybus var. sativum |
• chicoria | → chicory | ↔ cichorei — plantkunde|nld voeding|nld groente|nld species|Cichorium intybus een of meer samengestelde lintbloemige planten van de soort Cichorium intybus var. sativum |
• chicoria | → succory; chicory | ↔ Zichorie — Pflanze aus der Gattung der Korbblütengewächse |
External Machine Translations: