Detailed Translations for poliéster from Spanish to French
Translation Matrix for poliéster:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
polyester | poliéster | |
Modifier | Related Translations | Other Translations |
de polyester | poliéster |
External Machine Translations:
Detailed Translations for poliéster from French to Spanish
poliéster: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- polir: rallar; raspar; pulimentar; afilar; planchar; pulir; perfeccionar; igualar; allanar; relucir; alisar; resplandecer; refinar; nivelar; aplanar; entretelar; satinar; hacer resplandecer; lijar; limpiar; fregar; adornar; frotar; equipar; limar; restregar; lustrar; encerar; bruñir; abrillantar; escariar; dar lustre; sacar brillo a; dar brillo
- ter: tres veces
- ôter: sacar de; desvestir; quitar la ropa; coger; quitar; robar; extirpar; quitar de en medio; hurtqr; sacar
External Machine Translations: