Spanish to French: more detail...
sacarse la ropa:
sacarse la ropa → se déshabiller
Detailed Translations for sacarse la ropa from Spanish to French
sacarse la ropa: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- sacarse: écarter les idées noires; chasser les soucis
- la: ce; cela; ça; la; le; les; l'; le la les
- ropa: vêtements; tenue; habit; costume; toilette; habillement; habits; effets; linge; choses; babioles; aménagement; consigne; équipement; matériel; vestiaire; outillage; penderie; armement; garde-robe; costume traditionnel; costume régional; costume folklorique
Spelling Suggestions for: sacarse la ropa
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Wiktionary Translations for sacarse la ropa:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• sacarse la ropa | → se déshabiller | ↔ strip — to take off clothing |
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Related Translations for sacarse la ropa
Suggestions for sacarse la ropa in French
Spelling Suggestions for: sacarse la ropa
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External Machine Translations: