Spanish to Dutch:   more detail...
  1. e:
    • Wiktionary:
      e → en
    • User Contributed Translations for e:
      en, e
Dutch to Spanish:   more detail...
  1. e:
    • User Contributed Translations for e:


Detailed Translations for e from Spanish to Dutch

Spelling Suggestions for: e

Wiktionary Translations for e:

Cross Translation:
e en and — used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera
e en and — used at the end of a list to indicate the last item
e en undverbindet allgemein Satzteile und Sätze; kann Satzzeichen (Komma, Semikolon, Punkt, Doppelpunkt, Ausrufezeichen und Fragezeichen) ersetzen, ermöglicht Aufzählung, Beiordnung, Ergänzung, Summierung und Hinzufügung

User Contributed Translations:
Word Translation Votes
e en 25
e e 5

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for e


Suggestions for e in Dutch

Spelling Suggestions for: e

User Contributed Translations:
Word Translation Votes
e e 5

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for e