Spanish to Dutch: more detail...
- manuscrito:
- manuscrito → handschrift, kopij, manuscript
- manuscrito → geschreven, handgeschreven, manuscript, handschrift, kopij
Detailed Translations for manuscrito from Spanish to Dutch
el manuscrito (escrito; letra; escritura)
het handschrift -
el manuscrito
el manuscrito (escrito)
het manuscript
Translation Matrix for manuscrito:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
handschrift | escrito; escritura; letra; manuscrito | escritura a mano |
kopij | manuscrito | |
manuscript | escrito; manuscrito |
Related Words for "manuscrito":
Wiktionary Translations for manuscrito:
Cross Translation:
een met de hand geschreven boekwerk
tekst die bestemd is om gedrukt te worden
met de hand geschreven stuk
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• manuscrito | → geschreven; handgeschreven | ↔ manuscript — handwritten, or by extension typewritten |
• manuscrito | → manuscript; handschrift | ↔ manuscript — book, composition or any other document, written by hand |
• manuscrito | → manuscript; kopij | ↔ manuscript — book, article etc, submitted for reproductive publication |
• manuscrito | → handschrift; manuscript | ↔ Handschrift — meist altes, aus der Zeit vor der Erfindung des Buchdrucks stammendes, mit der Hand geschriebenes Dokument |