Detailed Translations for monteuse from French to English
monteuse: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- monte: rising; coming up
- usé: decrepit; kicked off; worn with age; used; exploited; threadbare; worn down; worn; dilapidated; worn out; long in the tooth; wearing out one's clothes
- monter: mount; ascend; climb; climb up; assemble; go up; rise; go upstairs; ride; rising; uplift; going up; ride horseback; arise; ascent; stand up; rise up; increase; start; grow; take off; bristle; get away; flare up; be off; fly up; rise to the surface; become higher; go upward; become larger; be on the upgrade; step up; raise; build up; drive up; ride up; drive along; work oneself up; stage; lift; walk up; carry up; drive upwards; advance; hoist; draw up; heave; lift up; to get promoted; climb upstairs; step upstairs; go upwards
- montée: drive; entranceway; access route; ascent; ascension; climb; expansion; promotion; climbing up; climbing up in position; increase; addition; rise; growth; accretion; staircase; steps; stairs; climbing; take one's doctoral degree; stairway; feeder; feeder road; driving up; riding up; supply route
- monté: came up; driven up
Spelling Suggestions for: monteuse
Wiktionary Translations for monteuse:
Cross Translation:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• monteuse | → cutter; editor | ↔ Cutterin — Berufsbezeichnung: eine weibliche Person, die Filmaufnahmen oder Tonaufzeichnungen schneidet und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Regisseur nach künstlerischen Gesichtspunkten zu einem Gesamtwerk zusammensetzt |
External Machine Translations:
Suggestions for monteuse in English
Spelling Suggestions for: monteuse
External Machine Translations: