Detailed Translations for à charge de from French to English
à charge de: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- avoir: own; have; possess; deceive; cheat; swindle; hoodwink; diddle; woodwink; assets; property; balance; possessions; ability; capability; capacity; quality; credit note
- à: for; towards; of; from; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; against; on it; on that
- ça: the; it
- charge: weight; charges; charge; static; static electricity; electrical charge; burden; tax; duties; taxes; run; rush; assault; freight; load; raid; shipment; cargo; attack; scaling; storming; loading; chartering; freighting; freightment; transfer; transport; transportation; road transport; goods-traffic; carrying-traffic; tax collectors office
- charger: freight; load; lade; burden; aggravate; ship; heap up; denounce; charge with; imputate; accuse; insinuate; incriminate; charge; order; command; fill; exaggerate; recharge; overdo; heighten; blow up; charge with electricity; load a gun; weight; make heavier; impute
- chargé: laden; loaded; burdened; charged; ordered; instructed
- de: ever since; off; from; out; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; of; on the side of
- dé: dice
Spelling Suggestions for: à charge de
Wiktionary Translations for à charge de:
à charge de
à condition de, avec obligation de.
- à charge de → in order to
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Detailed Translations for à charge de from English to French
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