
Detailed Translations for gavé from French to English


Synonyms for "gave":


gaver verb (gave, gaves, gavons, gavez, )

  1. gaver (saturer; gorger de nourriture)
    to overfeed
    • overfeed verb (overfeeds, overfed, overfeeding)

Conjugations for gaver:

  1. gave
  2. gaves
  3. gave
  4. gavons
  5. gavez
  6. gavent
  1. gavais
  2. gavais
  3. gavait
  4. gavions
  5. gaviez
  6. gavaient
passé simple
  1. gavai
  2. gavas
  3. gava
  4. gavâmes
  5. gavâtes
  6. gavèrent
futur simple
  1. gaverai
  2. gaveras
  3. gavera
  4. gaverons
  5. gaverez
  6. gaveront
subjonctif présent
  1. que je gave
  2. que tu gaves
  3. qu'il gave
  4. que nous gavions
  5. que vous gaviez
  6. qu'ils gavent
conditionnel présent
  1. gaverais
  2. gaverais
  3. gaverait
  4. gaverions
  5. gaveriez
  6. gaveraient
passé composé
  1. ai gavé
  2. as gavé
  3. a gavé
  4. avons gavé
  5. avez gavé
  6. ont gavé
  1. gave!
  2. gavez!
  3. gavons!
  4. gavé
  5. gavant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Translation Matrix for gaver:

VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
overfeed gaver; gorger de nourriture; saturer

Synonyms for "gaver":

Wiktionary Translations for gaver:

  1. Engraisser un animal
  2. Se nourrir avec excès
  3. Excéder
  1. to force a person to ingest food
  2. to eat greedily, and to satiety; to stuff
  3. to fill with food to satiety; to stuff


gavé adj

  1. gavé (bourré; farci)

Translation Matrix for gavé:

AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
stuffed bourré; farci; gavé bourré; comble; farci; fourré; mangé à satiété; plein; rembourré; rempli; saturé

Synonyms for "gavé":

External Machine Translations:


Detailed Translations for gavé from English to French


to give verb (gives, gave, giving)

  1. to give (hand over; delate; extend; )
    donner; rendre; remettre; offrir; transmettre; déposer; présenter; déléguer; porter; livrer; faire circuler; tendre quelque chose à quelqu'un; passer quelque chose à quelqu'un
    • donner verb (donne, donnes, donnons, donnez, )
    • rendre verb (rends, rend, rendons, rendez, )
    • remettre verb (remets, remet, remettons, remettez, )
    • offrir verb (offre, offres, offrons, offrez, )
    • transmettre verb (transmets, transmet, transmettons, transmettez, )
    • déposer verb (dépose, déposes, déposons, déposez, )
    • présenter verb (présente, présentes, présentons, présentez, )
    • déléguer verb (délègue, délègues, déléguons, déléguez, )
    • porter verb (porte, portes, portons, portez, )
    • livrer verb (livre, livres, livrons, livrez, )
  2. to give (pass; hand over; give to; hand)
    donner; remettre; passer; étendre; tendre
    • donner verb (donne, donnes, donnons, donnez, )
    • remettre verb (remets, remet, remettons, remettez, )
    • passer verb (passe, passes, passons, passez, )
    • étendre verb (étends, étend, étendons, étendez, )
    • tendre verb (tends, tend, tendons, tendez, )
  3. to give (hand; offer; pass)
    donner; offrir; remettre aux mains
    • donner verb (donne, donnes, donnons, donnez, )
    • offrir verb (offre, offres, offrons, offrez, )
  4. to give (provide; dispense; deliver; hand over to)
    passer; fournir; donner; procurer; remettre; distribuer; livrer
    • passer verb (passe, passes, passons, passez, )
    • fournir verb (fournis, fournit, fournissons, fournissez, )
    • donner verb (donne, donnes, donnons, donnez, )
    • procurer verb (procure, procures, procurons, procurez, )
    • remettre verb (remets, remet, remettons, remettez, )
    • distribuer verb (distribue, distribues, distribuons, distribuez, )
    • livrer verb (livre, livres, livrons, livrez, )
  5. to give (declare)
    déclarer; donner; faire inscrire
    • déclarer verb (déclare, déclares, déclarons, déclarez, )
    • donner verb (donne, donnes, donnons, donnez, )
  6. to give (allot; assign; allocate; confer; bestow on)
    assigner; attribuer; accorder; consentir; concéder
    • assigner verb (assigne, assignes, assignons, assignez, )
    • attribuer verb (attribue, attribues, attribuons, attribuez, )
    • accorder verb (accorde, accordes, accordons, accordez, )
    • consentir verb (consens, consent, consentons, consentez, )
    • concéder verb (concède, concèdes, concédons, concédez, )
  7. to give (donate)
    donner; gratifier; faire un don; accorder; privilégier; verser; faire présent de; favoriser; avantager
    • donner verb (donne, donnes, donnons, donnez, )
    • gratifier verb (gratifie, gratifies, gratifions, gratifiez, )
    • accorder verb (accorde, accordes, accordons, accordez, )
    • privilégier verb (privilégie, privilégies, privilégions, privilégiez, )
    • verser verb (verse, verses, versons, versez, )
    • favoriser verb (favorise, favorises, favorisons, favorisez, )
    • avantager verb (avantage, avantages, avantageons, avantagez, )
  8. to give (give a present; grant; bestow; offer)
    offrir; donner cadeau; verser; céder; faire présent de
    • offrir verb (offre, offres, offrons, offrez, )
    • verser verb (verse, verses, versons, versez, )
    • céder verb (cède, cèdes, cédons, cédez, )
  9. to give (deliver; bring; supply; )
    fournir; apporter; livrer; porter à domicile; distribuer à domicile; distribuer; livrer à domicile
    • fournir verb (fournis, fournit, fournissons, fournissez, )
    • apporter verb (apporte, apportes, apportons, apportez, )
    • livrer verb (livre, livres, livrons, livrez, )
    • distribuer verb (distribue, distribues, distribuons, distribuez, )

Conjugations for give:

  1. give
  2. give
  3. gives
  4. give
  5. give
  6. give
simple past
  1. gave
  2. gave
  3. gave
  4. gave
  5. gave
  6. gave
present perfect
  1. have given
  2. have given
  3. has given
  4. have given
  5. have given
  6. have given
past continuous
  1. was giving
  2. were giving
  3. was giving
  4. were giving
  5. were giving
  6. were giving
  1. shall give
  2. will give
  3. will give
  4. shall give
  5. will give
  6. will give
continuous present
  1. am giving
  2. are giving
  3. is giving
  4. are giving
  5. are giving
  6. are giving
  1. be given
  2. be given
  3. be given
  4. be given
  5. be given
  6. be given
  1. give!
  2. let's give!
  3. given
  4. giving
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for give:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
donner give away
- spring; springiness
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
accorder allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; donate; give accept; adjust; agree; agree on; agree with; allow; arrange; authorise; authorize; award; cede; comply with; concede; give in; grant; permit; reconcile; synchronise; synchronize; tolerate; tune in; yield
apporter bring; bring around; deliver; furnish; give; hand over to; provide; send; send round; ship; supply bring; bring along; bring around; carry; carry up; contribute; deliver; furnish; get better; improve; lead up; lead upwards; provide; put up for shipment; send; ship; supply; take
assigner allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give assign; charge; command; order; subpoena; summon
attribuer allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give allow; ascribe; assign; attribute; authorise; authorize; permit; tolerate
avantager donate; give favor; favour; give preference; privilege
concéder allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give accept; admit; agree; allow; authorise; authorize; cede; concede; give one's fiat to; grant; permit; submit to; tolerate; yield
consentir allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; give accept; admit; agree; agree to; agree with; allow; approve; assent to; authorise; authorize; back up; concede; confirm; consent to; correspond to; endorse; fit; give in; give one's fiat to; go to great pains; grant; match; permit; sanction; shore; submit to; support; take pains; tolerate; try hard; validate; yield
céder bestow; give; give a present; grant; offer accede; admit; admit the truth; bend; budge; capitulate; cede; collapse; come off worst; give in to; give up; give way; hand oneself in; hand oneself over to; lose ground; make way for; sag; submit; taste defeat; yield; yield to
distribuer bring; bring around; deliver; dispense; furnish; give; hand over to; provide; send; send round; ship; supply allow; confer; dish out; distribute; dole out; give out; hand out; hand round; parcel out; pass around; pay out; provide; ration; remit; send round
distribuer à domicile bring; bring around; deliver; furnish; give; hand over to; provide; send; send round; ship; supply bring; deliver; deliver to the door; hand over; leave; order
donner declare; delate; deliver; deliver up; dispense; donate; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; hand over to; offer; pass; present with; provide allow; apply; energise; energize; enrol for; feed; gift away; give away; give in marriage; inflict; marry off; offer; proffer; register; report oneself; supply; ventilate
donner cadeau bestow; give; give a present; grant; offer
déclarer declare; give announce; appear as a witness; apply; bear testimony; bear witness; clear; clear baggage; declare; do as if; enrol for; enter; express; feign; give evidence; inform; pretend; register; report; report oneself; sham; state; take down; testify; testify to; write down
déléguer delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with assign; delegate; depute; leave to another; move up; shove up
déposer delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with bring down; capitulate; deposit; deprive of; give up; hand oneself in; hand oneself over to; lay; lay down; lay something down; laydown; mail; oust; place; placing; position; put; put down; put something down; remit; remove; send; set; set down; ship; situate; station; supply; take down
faire circuler delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with blab; confer; dish out; distribute; dole out; feed; give out; hand on; hand out; hand round; parcel out; pass around; pass on; tell
faire inscrire declare; give apply; enlist; enrol; enrol for; enroll; enter; inscribe; register; report oneself; subscribe
faire présent de bestow; donate; give; give a present; grant; offer
faire un don donate; give
favoriser donate; give advance; cheer on; encourage; favor; favour; fire; give preference; go ahead; help; incite; inspire; promote; push; strike into
fournir bring; bring around; deliver; dispense; furnish; give; hand over to; provide; send; send round; ship; supply allow; bring; bring around; deliver; distribute; furnish; hand out; mail; provide; provide with; put up for shipment; ration; send; serve; serve out; ship; supply; supply with
gratifier donate; give endow; favor; favour; gift; give preference; present
livrer bring; bring around; delate; deliver; deliver up; dispense; extend; furnish; give; give to; hand; hand over; hand over to; offer; pass; present with; provide; send; send round; ship; supply allow; bring; bring around; bring in; deliver; energise; energize; feed; furnish; mail; produce; provide; put up for shipment; send; ship; supply; ventilate
livrer à domicile bring; bring around; deliver; furnish; give; hand over to; provide; send; send round; ship; supply bring; bring around; deliver; deliver to the door; furnish; hand over; leave; provide; put up for shipment; send; ship; supply
offrir bestow; delate; deliver up; extend; give; give a present; give to; grant; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with deliver; dish up; do up; hand in; hand over; offer; present; proffer; regale; serve; serve out; show; stand treat; treat; write out
passer deliver; dispense; give; give to; hand; hand over; hand over to; pass; provide call in; come through; cross; cross over; drop by; drop in; elapse; expire; go by; move past; overtake; pass; pass through; pull to; push through; ride past; sail past; spend; travel through; traverse; tuck in; tuck up; visit
passer quelque chose à quelqu'un delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with
porter delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with accompany; bear; carry; carry along; carry away; carry off; carry up; cause; drag; have on; inflict; mail; port; see off; send; ship; shore; supply; support; take away; take in; wear
porter à domicile bring; bring around; deliver; furnish; give; hand over to; provide; send; send round; ship; supply bring; bring around; deliver; deliver to the door; furnish; hand over; leave; provide; put up for shipment; send; ship; supply
privilégier donate; give favor; favour; give preference; privilege
procurer deliver; dispense; give; hand over to; provide allow; bring; bring around; deliver; distribute; furnish; hand out; provide; put up for shipment; ration; send; ship; supply
présenter delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with advise; appoint; be in sympathy with; be on show; bring forward; bring in; bring up; broach; broach a subject; conceive; consider; cut; cut into; dish up; display; do up; elect; enlist; enrol; enroll; enter; exhibit; feel; feel empathy for; formulate; hand in; hand over; imagine; initiate; inscribe; intend; introduce; lay before; nominate; offer; parade; phrase; present; proffer; propose; propound; put forward; put into words; put on the table; raise; reap; recommend; register; serve; serve out; show; showcase; sting; subscribe; suggest; sympathise; sympathize; think; throw up; toss in the air; toss up; word
remettre delate; deliver; deliver up; dispense; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; hand over to; offer; pass; present with; provide adjourn; bring back; deliver; distribute; fill up; hand down; hand in; hand on; hand out; hand over; interchange; mail; pass on; pay back; put back; ration; reappoint; refund; replace; return; send; ship; substitute; supply; surrender; swap; turn in
remettre aux mains give; hand; offer; pass
rendre delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with be sick; bring back; bring up; come off; describe; get off; give way; hand down; hand in; interpret; puke; regurgigate; render; reproduce; return; spew; spew out; surrender; throw up; transcribe; translate; turn in; upchuck; vomit
tendre give; give to; hand; hand over; pass stretch; tighten
tendre quelque chose à quelqu'un delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with
transmettre delate; deliver up; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; present with beam; blab; carry out a message; contaminate; disseminate; feed; forward; hand on; hand over; infect; metastasise; metastasize; pass on; poison; redirect; remit; send; send on; send to; sow; spread; tell; transfer
verser bestow; donate; give; give a present; grant; offer administer; deposit; deposit into account; distribute; drink; drink up; empty; finish; hand out; pay out; pour; pour down; pour in; pour into; pour out; pour over; ration; remit; send; shed; sprinkle; transfer
étendre give; give to; hand; hand over; pass add; add on to; broaden; build out; cast around; deepen; disperse; enlarge; expand; extend; fold open; fold out; grow; hang out; hang outside; increase; increase in number; lay out; make more profound; prolong; put ready; scatter; sow; spread; spread out; sprinkle; stretch; stretch out; strew about; swell; tighten; toss about; unfold; widen
- afford; apply; break; cave in; chip in; collapse; commit; consecrate; contribute; dedicate; devote; ease up; establish; fall in; feed; founder; generate; gift; give way; grant; hand; have; hold; impart; kick in; leave; make; move over; open; pass; pass on; pay; present; reach; render; return; sacrifice; throw; turn over; yield
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- emit
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
tendre affectionate; deep; delicate; easily hurt; fond; forgiving; fragile; frail; gentle; intense; lightly built; loving; oversensitive; petite; profound; sensitive; sentimental; slender; slight; small-boned; soft; subtle; susceptible; tender; tender hearted; thin; warm

Related Words for "give":

  • giving

Synonyms for "give":

Antonyms for "give":

Related Definitions for "give":

  1. the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length1
  2. proffer (a body part)1
    • She gave her hand to her little sister1
  3. consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man1
    • She gave herself to many men1
  4. occur1
    • what gives?1
  5. estimate the duration or outcome of something1
    • He gave the patient three months to live1
    • I gave him a very good chance at success1
  6. dedicate1
    • give thought to1
    • give priority to1
  7. inflict as a punishment1
    • She gave the boy a good spanking1
    • The judge gave me 10 years1
  8. allow to have or take1
    • I give you two minutes to respond1
  9. guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion1
    • You gave me to think that you agreed with me1
  10. submit for consideration, judgment, or use1
    • give one's opinion1
    • give an excuse1
  11. give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause1
    • give one's talents to a good cause1
  12. offer in good faith1
    • He gave her his word1
  13. manifest or show1
    • This student gives promise of real creativity1
    • The office gave evidence of tampering1
  14. convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture1
    • She gave me a dirty look1
  15. convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow1
    • give the orders1
  16. bestow1
    • give homage1
  17. accord by verdict1
    • give a decision for the plaintiff1
  18. propose1
    • He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party1
  19. give food to1
    • don't give the child this tough meat1
  20. be flexible under stress of physical force1
    • This material doesn't give1
  21. give or supply1
  22. cause to happen or be responsible for1
    • His two singles gave the team the victory1
  23. bring about1
  24. perform for an audience1
    • Pollini is giving another concert in New York1
  25. present to view1
    • He gave the sign to start1
  26. organize or be responsible for1
    • give a course1
  27. move in order to make room for someone for something1
    • The park gave way to a supermarket1
  28. break down, literally or metaphorically1
    • The wall gave in1
    • The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice1
  29. transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody1
    • I gave her my money1
    • can you give me lessons?1
    • She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care1
  30. leave with; give temporarily1
    • Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?1
    • Can I give you the children for the weekend?1
  31. give as a present; make a gift of1
    • What will you give her for her birthday?1
  32. place into the hands or custody of1
  33. convey or reveal information1
  34. transmit (knowledge or skills)1
    • give a secret to the Russians1
  35. contribute to some cause1
    • I gave at the office1
  36. give or convey physically1
    • She gave him First Aid1
    • I gave him a punch in the nose1
  37. give (as medicine)1
    • I gave him the drug1
  38. cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense1
    • She gave him a black eye1
    • The draft gave me a cold1
  39. bestow, especially officially1
    • give a divorce1
  40. be the cause or source of1
    • He gave me a lot of trouble1
  41. endure the loss of1
    • He gave his life for his children1
    • I gave two sons to the war1
  42. afford access to1
    • The French doors give onto a terrace1
  43. deliver in exchange or recompense1
    • I'll give you three books for four CDs1
  44. emit or utter1
    • give a yelp1
  45. execute and deliver1

Wiktionary Translations for give:

  1. transfer the possession of something to someone else
  1. Faire un don ; transférer, sans rétribution, la propriété d’une chose que l’on posséder ou dont on jouir, à une autre personne.
  2. présenter quelque chose à quelqu’un, souhaiter qu’il l’accepter.

Cross Translation:
give offrir schenken — geven
give donner meegeven — (overgankelijk) 1. iemand iets geven voor als die vertrokken is
give donner geven — overdragen van het bezit van iets aan iemand anders
give présenter; proposer; offrir aanbieden — ditr|nld aanreiken, bieden, offreren, presenteren
give tenir abhalten — etwas veranstalten
give distribuer les cadeaux de Noël bescheren — zu Weihnachten die Geschenke verteilen
give donner geben — jemandem etwas reichen bzw. in die Nähe oder Hände legen
give prendre corps; former; forger prägen — (reflexiv) gehoben: eine bestimmte Gestalt annehmen
give claquer schnalzen — (intransitiv), Dativ: durch eine abrupte, schwungvolle Bewegung - zumeist der Zunge, den Fingern oder einer Peitsche - einen kurzen, (leicht) knallenden Laut erzeugen
give administrer; donner verabreichen — (transitiv): jemandem etwas (eine Substanz) geben, damit dieser es einnimmt (wissentlich oder versehentlich)

External Machine Translations: