French to English: more detail...
en vente libre:
en vente libre → over-the-counter
Detailed Translations for en vente libre from French to English
en vente libre: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- en: of; from; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; from it; towards; to that; of it; about that; of this
- vente: turnover; sales; trading; selling; pushing; sale
- venter: blow; snap; wave; flutter; flap
- libre: clear; blank; sly; unmarked; roguish; available; free; vacant; unconstrained; freely; uninhibited; at someone's disposal; at liberty; easy; effortless; natural; single; accessible; unmarried; bold; unimpeded; unhampered; unhindered; unobstructed
Wiktionary Translations for en vente libre:
en vente libre
pharmacy: not requiring a prescription