French to English: more detail...
bancable → bankable -
Synonyms for "bancable":
banquable; escomptable
Detailed Translations for bancable from French to English
bancable: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- ban: ban; excommunication; blare; sound of trumpets; sound of horns; blast of trumpets; flourish of trumpets
- câblé: wired
- câble: flex; lead; ripcord; board; chain; wire; management; committee; direction; rope; supervision; cable; board of directors; hawser; board of managers; cord; file; rank; line; row; stripe
Spelling Suggestions for: bancable
Synonyms for "bancable":
External Machine Translations:
Detailed Translations for bancable from English to French
bancable: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- ban: chasser; expulser; exiler; bannir; exorciser; mettre au ban; interdiction; défense; prohibition; refuser; interdire; prohiber; ban; excommunication; suspendre; boycottage; interdiction d'exportation; interdiction de sortie
- cable: câbler; fil; conduite; filet; direction; gouvernement; câble; canalisation; management; cordage; comité directeur; conduction; fil conducteur; corde; télégramme; télégraphier
Spelling Suggestions for: bancable
External Machine Translations: