Detailed Translations for sens commun from French to English
sens commun: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- SENS: System Event Notification Services; SENS
- sens: use; course; direction; purpose; substance; meaning; intention; composition; establishment; institution; institute; sense organ; organ of sense; sense; touch; intent; compassion; excitement; purport; passion; feeling; sentiment; stature; tenor; emotion; measure; extent; size; dimension; circumference; significance; importance; weight; tendency; drift
- sensé: bright; sensible; smart; clever; wise; sane; intelligent; right-thinking; appropriate; significant; marvellous; terrific; fantastic; marvelous
- sentir: feel; encounter; experience; sense; anticipate
- commun: common; current; acceptable; joint; communal; ordinary; customary; commonly; usual; habitual; ordinarily; quite common; plain; together; altogether; combined; jointly; with each other; with one another; in all; normal; shared; sympathized; crude; vulgar
Wiktionary Translations for sens commun:
sens commun
sens commun
faculté par laquelle la plupart des hommes juger naturellement des choses.
- sens commun → common sense
ordinary understanding