French to English: more detail...
guillemet fermant:
guillemet fermant → closing quotation mark
Detailed Translations for guillemet fermant from French to English
guillemet fermant: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- guillemet: quotation mark; inverted comma
- fermer: draw; close; shut; pull to; pull shut; block; lock; jam; obstruct; define; outline; fence; demarcate; map out; mark out; fence off; trace out; fence in; clearly define; end; finish; conclude; close tight; abolish; cancel; undo; annul; nullify; turn off; tie up; close down
Wiktionary Translations for guillemet fermant:
guillemet fermant
ponctuation terminant une citation. En français, on utilise le guillemet droit (»).
- guillemet fermant → closing quotation mark